Dolph in ROBINS Swedish TV show

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Dolph in ROBINS Swedish TV show

Postby Darling on 03 Oct 2008, 15:39

Hi here a new Article, about a swedih TV -Show,I think Dolph and Carina will be invite at first. But maybe someone can translate exactly?
Here the Link: ... -ut-robins
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Postby Jox on 03 Oct 2008, 18:41

Oh cool!

Yeap, guests of the first episode of this show, the 17th at 21.00 on SVT (

I hope it's gonna be available online.
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Postby dolphage on 06 Oct 2008, 20:30

It´s a piece on a talk show host and the only thing he says about the Big Guy is:
"Dolph is a very interesting and well educated person, I look forward to meeting him."

Gonna be good though!
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Postby Jox on 16 Oct 2008, 10:49

They recorded the show yesterday I think and it sounds it's gonna be as good as the his summer radio show he did (and got much praise for it) ... 3547220.ab

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Postby preacher on 16 Oct 2008, 14:53

That article Jox linked to above is actually suprisingly good. So I´l translate it for you. I´m in a bit of a rush so sorry if my english is lacking or if my translation sux:

"Summer in P1 (radio channel) turned the tough-guy soft.
The distance between hardned action hero and emotional guy is just a radio wave away.

"Summer" in P1 changed Dolph Lundgren
-It was the firt time i realised that it was ok to not always be strong.

In his summer show Dolph Lundgren, 50, for the first time shared how his father hit him and drove him into a destructive period in his teens.

Yesterday he was a guest in the talkshow "Robins" med host Robin Paulsson. When the radio show got mentioned the big action actor instantly turned serious.

-The radio show was a very big moment for me, he told Aftonbladet (newspaper) after the taping of the talk show

-I realised that it was ok to not alway be strong, that it is allowed to be weak and emotional.

He also means that he has become a better actor after opening up.

- I have only played characters who are tough all the time. Now it is easier for me to be emotional, that is good. People want to see me vulnerable on film, especially since i am so large.

He is also happy that he got to show a new side of himself to the swedish people.

- And a new side to myself too. I was moved when i realised that I had walked around all these years and held back, now I don´t have to do that any more.


TV-host Carina Berg was also a guest on "Robins". She tells that she was extremly moved by Dolphs story.

- I laughed and cried back and forth when I heard the show. He was so openhearted, totally real - I did not expect that.


The article points to a fact i find true myself. Being from sweden I get the feeling the Dolphs radio show really changed peoples perspective on him.
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Postby Jox on 17 Oct 2008, 10:16

preacher wrote:The article points to a fact i find true myself. Being from sweden I get the feeling the Dolphs radio show really changed peoples perspective on him.

That's great, of course it was a fantastic show, but I'm glad it reached enough people in the mainstream.

Last edited by Jox on 17 Oct 2008, 15:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Jox on 17 Oct 2008, 12:53

I was told it would be on the web around 22.00 (CEST) tonight.
Just go to and you can watch it there.
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Postby Jox on 17 Oct 2008, 15:49

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Postby Jox on 17 Oct 2008, 22:51

WATCH THE SHOW HERE ... os=extra_0
I just saw it it looked fun so I hope someone will be kind enough to translate some of it!

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Postby Jox on 25 Oct 2008, 13:29

Here is the translation of the show, thanks to our friend Rambo88 from the Sly Zone forum!


Robin (Host): We have fantastic guests here today. My first guest is the Hollywood star that got his big break in Rocky IV and who's actually travelled all the way from Moscow to be here tonight, ladies and gentlemen. That's worth a big applaud.

And my second guest is the host of "Stars on Ice" and she has travelled all the way from Stockholm. Still worth an applaud.
Dolph Lundgren and Carina Berg is here today!


Now it's finally time for tonight's first guest. He's a Hollywood actor, a Martial Arts expert and possibly the worlds most handsome 51-year old. Ladies and gentlemen - Dolph Lundgren!

[Dolph enters the stage to the tunes of "Kung Fu Fighting". He greets the host and sits down on the couch].

Dolph: Nice to be here, Robin.

Robin: Welcome, welcome. I just thought we should mention this "Kung Fu Fighting" ...

Dolph: Yeah...

Robin: What does that song mean to you?

Dolph: Well, that was an old 70's song that I used work out to.

Robin: You worked out to "Kung Fu Fighting"?

Dolph: Yeah, when I was younger.

Robin: I got to say that I don't work out that much but... [audience starts to laugh]

Robin (sarcastic to the audience): Well, thank you very much!

Robin: But I have to say one thing to you who are so good at training and stuff like that. I drive half way to work, leave the car and walks the last 20 minutes..takes [interupted by Dolph]

Dolph: ... takes the bus?

Robin: (laughs) ...takes the bus... Does this help me? Will this help me?

Dolph: Seriosly?

Robin: Seriosly.

Dolph: Yes.

Robin: You think so? That's power walk, right?

Dolph: I think so, yeah, I think so. But it's better to go to the gym and run and swim and stuff like that.

Robin: But I don't have time for that. I think that many people don't have the time to train today.

Dolph: Yeah, but you have to go up at 05.00 or go to Russia... or we can sparr here later perhaps (checks his clock).

Robin: Sure, we can do that. You told me that you're shooting a movie in Russia.

Dolph: Yeah, I've shot and directed a movie in Moscow. We wrapped up in Moscow three weeks ago and now I'm doing a new project that takes place in Russia so I was there to meet some soldiers and stuff like that.

Robin: You are very big in Russia. I don't think you really understand how big you are.

Dolph: How tall I am, or? (laughs) 1,93. 1,93.

Robin: (laughs) No, let's watch a little clip here, Dolph.

[A clip is shown with russian people talking. The subtitles have been changed].

Russian # 1: I could easily give him my first born child. And then I haven't even seen Rocky IV.

Russian # 2: I was in a Dolph look-alike contest. I finished sixth.

Russian # 3: If Dolph comes here he can do whatever he wants to me.

Russian # 4: Starting this year, the 24th of November will be known as Dolph-Day. Any questions on that?

[End of clip]

Dolph: (laughs) That was funny. Thank you very much. Then I can say: "spatsiba bolshoi" .

Robin (lifts his glass) : Uh, cheers I say then.

Dolph (laughs and lifts his glass as well): "Nostroga".

Robin: What does it mean?

Dolph: Thank you. Thank you very much.

Robin: Okay. Do you notice that you have tremendous support when you are in Russia?

Dolph: Yeah, I do actually. It's Russia and Italy. In Italy they don't really get that it's a movie so they think that "Rocky fought against that russian, and here he is in real life".

Robin: Is it like that?

Dolph: It is. (laughs)

Robin: Do you mean that they have dared you for a fight in the street and stuff like that?

Dolph: No, they just point and comes out running with their children to see where I am and follows me around.

Robin: That's exactly how it is for me in Malmö (swedish town). I don't get it...

Dolph: (laughs)

Robin: You have done movies in both Russia and Hollywood. What's the difference between the two?

Dolph: Well, people drink less in Hollywood. But Russia is a bit slower - the police is a bit slower. You have to, you know, give them a few rubels on the side.

Robin: Do you mean bribe people just to make a movie?

Dolph: No, well yes, you can sign autographs and stuff like that.

Robin: But what I also know is that you daugther, Ida, is in the new movie called "Command Performance".

Dolph: Exactly.

Robin: What was it like to direct your own daughter?

Dolph: She wasn't supposed to be in this in the beginning. One of the people who works for me suggested that. She is incredible good.

Robin: How old is she?

Dolph: 12. She's a very good actress. Perhaps the only good one in the family (laughs). She doesn't need that much direction. It's great for her as well to see what here father does at work, so to speak.

Robin: I think that many swedes got a new perspective on you this summer when you hosted a Sommar-show on the radio. What was it like to be a Sommar-host?

Dolph: Well, it was interesting. I got invited to this and realized that it was a big honor so I said yes and then when I started working on the script I brought up things that happened in my childhood and stuff that I haven't talked about that much before. Not even to my own children. Then the swedish producer that helped me was extremely talented, a female producer, and I, so to say, showed my true feelings for the swedish audience and who I really am as a person and not what people might have read in the papers . So it was really special to me because I haven't really gotten along with Swedish media and I understand that because they don't know me and I might have been hard to deal with sometimes. So it was really nice. So when I directed this movie,"Command Performance", I play a guy who has problems and there's something that has happened to him when he was younger as well so I could use those emotions that came out when I was on the radio for the first time as an actor in this movie. So it was a big moment for me.

Robin: For those who didn't hear it - we won't drag down the mood to much - but you told us that you where beaten by your dad and was quite a troublemaker, you smoke and drank. It's very interesting because later you started to study on the Royal Institute of Technology as an engineer. But what happened, why didn't you become an engineer?

Dolph: Well, I studied to follow in my fathers footsteps and to maybe try to prove something. But when I came to New York and realized that I had to make this decision then... I think that these experiences, if you have a pain or a scar inside you, you maybe seek youself towards arts to get this out of your system somehow. At first I got it out by fighting in Karate, and later it turned to film. But as I said, it's very interesting that you can sit in a studio twenty years later and bring it up again and make it lead to other interesting things in your career and personally as well.

Robin: Fantastic. We are going to change subject for a while now. I know that it was hard for you but thank you so much for talking about it. So you studied at the Royal Institute of Technology but one thing that I find quite interesting is that there are rumors circulating that you have an IQ of 160.

Dolph: Yeah, that was before Stallone fought me... (laughs)

Robin: How does a rumor like that start?

Dolph: I don't know, maybe it's because there's not many actors that are so highly educated. I don't know...

Robin: So then they think that "oh, he must be very clever" or what?

Dolph: Exactly. It took a while for that to spread around. It took 20 years or so... (laughs)

Robin: Finally, Dolph, can you look me deep in my eyes and say Ivan Drago's classic line. Come really close...

Dolph: I must break you.

Robin: Dolph Lundgren, ladies and gentlemen!

15: 00 [The other guest, Carina Berg, has entered the stage]

Robin: Welcome. Nice to have you here.

Carina: Thank you.

Robin: We have tried to get you on here for a long time but now we finally got you.

Carina: You got me now.

Robin: I know that you had some prejudice against Dolph.

Carina: Yeah, well maybe not prejudice, but I thought Dolph was just the action hero he's been known as in Sweden. But then I heard your Sommar-show. I had downloaded it to my mp3 and played it while I was going to Estonia this summer and cried, cried and cried and laughed all together. It was so beautiful.

Robin: You turned completely?

Carina: Since then I wanted to have Dolph as a guest, like everybody else.

Dolph: Thank you.

Robin: I notice that we all have the same haircut.

Carina: Exactly. You are one of those hair racists who only invites people that looks like you (laughs).


Robin: You know many languages, Dolph. You can speak six languages or something like that.

Dolph: Nah, that's a bit exagerated.

Robin: Are every rumor about you untrue?

Dolph: (laughs) Some are true. I'll tell you about them later after the show...

Robin: (laughs) I know...

Carina: (laughs) - "I know"?

Robin: I've heard a thing or two...


Robin: You are also quite easily moved to tears, I have heard.

Dolph: Well, yeah...

Robin: They almost came earlier there.

Dolph: (laughs) Well, that's a big part when you work as an actor. That's what people want to see, they want to see emotions.

Robin: Since you both have this in common, we have prepared a little game.

Dolph: Nice (laughs)

Robin: We call it "The Crying Game".

Carina: Yes, when it's revealed that you are a woman..

Robin: (laughs) Yeah, and when you have to start to cry first.

Carina: Wow.

Robin: The first one that brings out a tear...

Dolph: I'll give up!

Robin: No, and I have to see a tear from the winner. Okay?

Carina: But what do we get to see? We must have something to work with...

Robin: I've prepared everything, Carina.

Carina: Good. That was the estonian need for control.

Robin: Ready, Get set, Go!

["My Heart Will Go On with Celine Dion" starts playing. Dolph and Carina starts to laugh.]

Robin: Carina's still laughing? This can go either way...

[Robin shows the first picture]

Robin: Lassie and his boy.You're lauging, Carina. This is serious. Dolph...

[Robin shows the next picture]

Robin: Susanna Kallur misses the Olympic Gold Medal.

Carina: Okay, that was not funny.

Robin: No it wasn't. Now you're not laughing.

Carina: No, but...

Dolph: How's it going for Dolph? Dolph has got himself in to a kind of emotional state of mind...I like that!

[Robin shows the next picture]

Robin: A monkey in a cage...

Dolph: Stallone, is it?

Robin: Carina got something going on...

[Robin shows the next picture]

Robin: We have The Brothers Lionheart. Someone has to start crying. Otherwise the game is over.

[Robin shows the next picure]

Robin: Titanic. Titanic sank you know. That has to be sad.

[Dolph starts to tickle Carina]

Robin: No cheating now...

Carina: He's helping me by tickeling...

[Robin shows the last picture]

Robin: A yellow onion.

Robin: It's a draw, ladies and gentlemen. Turn down the music.

Carina: Dolph tried really hard.

Robin: Absolutely. Dolph was like this... (mimics a serious Dolph)

Robin: I've had a great time. I thank you both very much that you came. Sit tight, we have some time left. Ladies and gentlemen, Carina Berg and Dolph Lundgren!


Robin: As we have heard before, Dolph is very intelligent and great at fighting. He has both those things. Therefore it's time for "Knowledge or Martial Arts"

Robin: Dolph. Step forward.

Robin: "Knowledge or Martial Arts" - This is a game that has been played for hundreds of years.

Dolph: Thousands of years.

Robin: Thousands of years, yeah. It works like this: you will be given a problem and we'll see if you deal with it with either knowledge or Martial Arts. Allright? We are going to ask questions to you, we will take turns, I start. Do you understand?

Carina: Yes.

Robin: Good.

Dolph takes off his jacket.

Dolph: I'll just take this off...

Robin: Yeah, do that.

[The audience starts to cheer. Dolph hands his jacket to a woman in the front row]

Dolph: To a beautiful lady.

[Dolph steps up to Robin]

Robin: Allright. I am a little nervous now, my God. Allright, Allright. My question: In what country did the Russian Revolution take place?

Dolph: I'll take a crack at Russia.

Robin: It's correct!

Dolph: Okay.

Robin: That was pretty hard, wasn't it?

Dolph: Yes, it was.

Robin (to Carina): Here's your question.

Carina: Okay. A swedish king became famous for putting locks on stabledoors. His name was Magnus Ladulås. To whom did he trade away his farm in december 1290?

Dolph:, I'll do this instead.

[Dolph throws Carina to the ground]

Robin (to Carina). Are you okay?

Carina: Oh, my God.

Robin: You made a hole in the carpet there.

Robin: That's how you play "Knowledge or Martial Arts". Are you okay (to Carina).

Carina: Yeah, I'm fine.

Robin: Fantastic. I wan't to thank my guests Carina Berg, Dolph Lundgren. We'll meet again next week. Take care!

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Postby Darling on 25 Oct 2008, 18:59

The Show was fantastic and funny.Also it is very nice of Rambo88,that he did translated for us.
I was just wonder,that the swedish guys from this Site, did not this for us! I thought,Dolphage,Preacher and Sasha are from Sweden or?
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Postby preacher on 26 Oct 2008, 18:36

You are correct Darling, I am form Sweden. And I am ashamed to say... I missed the show and have not gotten around to watching it yet either...

I will be in debt to Rambo88 forever for doing this.
Don´t hate me to much.
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Postby Darling on 27 Oct 2008, 00:27

Hi Preacher,of course I will never hate you and the other swedish Guys!I love all swedish Guys. I just thought nobody was interested to this Show.
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Postby dolphage on 28 Oct 2008, 20:57

I apologize, I DID watch it, and I was just hoping that someone would transcribe it before i got a chance to (out of laziness and lack of time) and this transcription is amazing! So it´s better than what I would have come up with anyways. Incredible show!
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Postby Jox on 28 Oct 2008, 21:01

preacher wrote:I missed the show and have not gotten around to watching it yet either...

You can still watch it online (a month after it aired) on the link above.
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