Dolph supports Obama: we all need hope or the power to dream

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Dolph supports Obama: we all need hope or the power to dream

Postby Jox on 30 Oct 2008, 17:57

Dolph has now found new ways for self-expression and wrote this text about America for Swedish mainstream tabloid Expressen ... t-tillbaka

The U.S. strength is the belief in the future. The new president must give us the American dream back, writes the actor Dolph Lundgren. "That is why I as a young boy went over to the United States. I want my children to have hope."

Bara Obama kan ge hoppet tillbaka

USA:s styrka är tron på framtiden. Den nye presidenten måste ge oss den amerikanska drömmen tillbaka, skriver skådespelaren Dolph Lundgren. "Det var därför jag som ung grabb åkte över till USA. Jag vill att också mina barn ska känna hopp."

Europas styrka och identitet kommer från dess historia, medan USA:s kraft ligger i hoppet om framtiden. För många immigranter från hela världen, som sökt ett nytt liv "over there", har Förenta Staterna i mer än två hundra år varit som en skinande stad på höjden.
Så även för mig som kom till USA som ung stipendiestudent i de sena tonåren. Jag upplevde USA genom en slöja av discomusik och utsvängda jeans under Carter-administrationen på 70-talet. Richard Nixon hade precis tvingats att avgå som president efter det förlorade Vietnamkriget och Watergate.
Den nye presidentkandidaten och demokraten Jimmy Carter var en enkel man, sades det. En ärlig man, en jordnötsodlare från Georgia. Jag pluggade kemi i Washington State i slutet på 70-talet medan världsekonomin gick i botten. Den första oljekrisen, gisslandramat i Teheran och den höga och galna komikern John Belushi i Saturday Night Live är bestående minnen från den tiden. Efter tio månader avslutade jag min jungfruresa till USA och lommade tillbaka till Sverige for att göra lumpen och så småningom påbörja mina högskolestudier i Stockholm.

Jag kommer ihåg att jag låg i sängen med en av mina första flickvänner. Hon var söt, mörk och kortväxt. Vi tittade på den amerikanska valrörelsen 1980 på tv och såg när Ronald Reagan frågade amerikanen: "Har ni det bättre ställt i dag än för fyra år sedan?" Alla visste svaret. Väljarna gav omedelbart stackars Carter en enkel biljett hem.
Nu kom "Reagan-revolutionen" och i filmen "Wall Street" sa Michael Douglas passande att "greed is good". Jag flyttade permanent till USA, avslutade abrupt min akademiska bana och blev, till mina föräldrars fasa, en simpel skådis. Reagan började kapprusta med Sovjetunionen, världsekonomin gick på högvarv. Jag fick jobb i Hollywood och hade råd att betala av studielånen i Sverige. Reagan visste hur man talade till den vanliga amerikanen. Men den så kallade Iran-Contra-affären tärde hårt på hans popularitet.
Vicepresident George Bush tog nu 1989 över den sönderrustade och överbelånade USA-skutan i ett par år, innan det första Irak-kriget och en ekonomisk kris i början av 90-talet tog kål på hans politiska karriär. "It's the economy, stupid!", är uttrycket som myntades då.

Sedan kom den unge, stilige Clinton till Washington. Vilka fantastiska år! Jag blev kär i Anette, en söt svensk tjej, flyttade från Los Angeles till New York och sedan tillbaka till Europa. Fick två underbara döttrar och karriären gick lysande. Åtta år av världsfred och en kraftigt stigande aktiemarknad. Aktier var vägen till välstånd, tänkte jag som alla andra. Men plötsligt började kurserna gå sämre och sämre och innan vi visste ordet av trycktes vi ner i skorna av en massiv it-kris. Fort, ut med Clinton och in med någon ny! Det börjar låta lite bekant, eller hur?
I det kommande valet var det George Bushs son, George W, som ställde upp mot Al Gore. Ja, det var ju inte direkt John F Kennedy mot Abraham Lincoln, om man säger så.
George W fick ta över en dålig världsekonomi och en låg framtidstro. Manhattan, 2001, klockan nio på morgonen den elfte september: terrorattacker och ett nytt krig. Följden för oss vanliga människor som inte tjänstgör i USA:s krigsmakt eller bor i Irak eller i Afghanistan, blev framförallt att världsekonomin fick ny fart. Fastighetspriserna gick upp. Jag och min hustru sålde en våning för tre gånger inköpspriset. Irakkriget rasade för fullt. Många spekulerade i fastigheter. Investeringsbankernas bonusar sköt i höjden.
Det började kännas mer och mer overkligt tills jag för ett par månader sedan hörde talas om "the sub prime crises".
Alla har lånat för mycket, speciellt Amerikas Förenta Stater. "Vi har lånat från framtida generationer", sägs det. Guess what? Vi är den framtida generationen och nu måste någon, det vill säga vi, hosta upp stålarna.

Nu är det ånyo val i USA. Den erfarne republikanen McCain slåss mot den unge demokraten Obama. Hur ställer jag mig till dem?
För att kunna blicka in i framtiden med självkänsla och tillförsikt behöver vi drömmar. Jag vill att också mina barn en gång ska kunna se upp mot den skinande staden på höjden och känna hopp.
Vissa amerikanska presidenter har haft en förmåga att höja sig över de ekonomiska och politiska frågorna och skapa positiva bilder för resten av världen. Det var därför jag som ung grabb åkte över till USA. För att ta del av den unika optimism, framåtanda och livslust som USA faktiskt efter två hundra brutala år fortfarande är fullt av. Både när jag hör den svenska eller den amerikanska nationalsången får jag en klump i halsen. Dessa två länder har format mitt och min familjs liv.
Därför hoppas jag innerligt att Barack Obama vinner det amerikanska presidentvalet den 4 november 2008.
Vi behöver alla hopp, eller som Mr Obama säger själv: "The power to dream".

Dolph Lundgren
Dolph Lundgren är skådespelare och regissör.

Can someone translate please?!!
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Postby Jox on 30 Oct 2008, 18:18

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Postby Jox on 30 Oct 2008, 21:49

Would he consider moving back to Sweden and get involved in politics?!

Interview ... nsk-arnold

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Postby preacher on 31 Oct 2008, 18:49

I don´t know if Dolph would make a good politician.
Just the idea of returning home after 25 or so years abroad saying "Lets make this place better" makes me confused.
I doubt that Dolph would get into politics as a career. I think that the tabloid put a spinn on it to make it sound like he wanted to be like Arnold. A least that is what I am reading between the lines.

I wonder what party Dolph would support.
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Postby Jox on 31 Oct 2008, 20:00

preacher wrote:Hmm...
I doubt that Dolph would get into politics as a career. I think that the tabloid put a spinn on it to make it sound like he wanted to be like Arnold. A least that is what I am reading between the lines.

Of course.

Especially since he stated before he didn't want to get into politics like Arnold...
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Postby preacher on 02 Nov 2008, 19:21

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Postby Nathan on 02 Nov 2008, 20:38

I hope he doesn't veer down that route because it can lead to bad publicity. Many people on IMDB say they have lost their respect for stars due to their differing political views.
"Are we having fun yet?" - Dolph Lundgren, Universal Soldier
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Postby Jox on 11 Nov 2008, 18:39

Translations from Rambo88!

Only Obama can bring the hope back

The U.S. strength is the belief in the future. The new president must give us the American dream back, writes the actor Dolph Lundgren. "That is why I as a young boy went over to the United States. I want my children to have hope as well."

The strength and identity of Europa lies in it's history, while the strength of USA lies in the hope for the future. For many immigrants from all over the world, who has searched for a new life "over there", the United States have always been like a shining city above all.
The same goes for me who came to USA as a young scholarship in my late teens. I experienced USA through a veil of disco music and outwaved jeans during the Carter Administration in the seventies. Richard Nixon had recently been forced to step down as president after the lost Vietnam War and Watergate. The new presidential candidate and democrat Jimmy Carter was a very simple man, it was said. An honest man, a peanut farmer from Georgia. I studied chemistry in Washington State in the end of the seventies while the world economy hit bottom. The first oil crisis, the hostage situation in Teheran and the high and crazy comedian John Belushi in Saturday Night Live is lasting memories from that time. After ten months I finished my virgin trip to USA and went back to Sweden to do military service and eventually start my university studies in Stockholm.

I remember laying in bed with one of my first girlfriends. She was cute, dark and short. We watched the american election of 1980 on TV och saw when Ronald Reagan asked the american: "Do you have it better today than 4 years ago?". Everybody knew the answer. The voters immediately gave poor Carter a single ticket home.
Now came the "Reagan Revolution" and in the movie "Wall Street" Michael Douglas said "greed is good". I moved permanently to USA, quitted my academic studies and became, to my parents horror, a simple actor. Reagan started fighting with the Soviet Union, the world economy was high. I got a job in Hollywood and could afford to pay of my study loans in Sweden. Reagan knew how to talk to the common american. But the so called Iran-Contra-affair made his popularity suffer hard.
In 1989, Vice President George Bush took over the overloaned USA-ship for a couple of years before the first Iraq War and an economic crisis in the beginning of the 90's ended his political career. "It's the economy, stupid!" is an expression that was made up at that time.

Then came the young, handsome Clinton to Washington. Those where fantastic years! I fell in love with Anette, a cute swedish girl, moved from Los Angeles to New York and then back to Europe. I got two wonderful daughters and my career went great. Eight years of world peace and a powerful rising stock market. Stocks was the way to wellfare, I thought as many others. But suddenly the stocks went down and down and before we knew it we where pushed down by a massive Internet-crisis. Quick, out with Clinton and in with someone new! It starts to sound familiar, right?
In the following election George Bush's son, George W, was running against Al Gore. Yeah, it wasn't exactly John F. Kennedy against Abraham Lincoln.
George W took over a bad world economy and a low hope for the future. Manhattan, 2001, at nine o'clock on the morning of September 11th: terrorist attacks and a new war. Us common people who didn't serve in the US Military or lived in Iraq or Afghanistan, noticed that the world economy boosted up again. The house prices went up. Me and my wife sold an apartment for three times the money we originally gave for it. The Iraq War raged on. Many speculated in houses. The bonuses of the Investment Banks was in an all time high. It started to feel more and more unreal until I in a couple of months ago heard about "the sub prime crisis".
Everyone has loaned to much, especially the United States of America. "We have loaned from future generations", it's said. Guess what? We are the future generation and now we must get the money back.

Now it's election time once again in USA. The experienced republican McCain fights against the young democrat Obama. What do I think about them?
To be able to look in to the future with self awareness and precaution we need dreams. I want my children to be able to see the sining city above the sea and feel hope as well.
Some american presidents have had an ability to rise themselves above the economic and political questions and created positive images for the rest of the world. That was why I as a young boy went over to the US. To be a part of teh unique optimism, fighting sprit and lust for life that USA after two hundred brutal years actually is still full of. Both when I hear the swedish or the american national anthem I get a lump in my throat. These two countries have formed my life and my familys life That's why I sincerely hope that Barack Obama wins the american presidential election on the 4th of November 2008.
We all need hope, or as Mr. Obama himself says: "The power to dream".

Dolph Lundgren
Dolph Lundgren is an actor and director

Reporter: What do you think about this years election?
Dolph: Well, I think it is as usual. A little badmouthing and pretty good debates. I travel quite a lot but I've tried to keep myself posted about what happens. It's quite interesting, especially when they're debating with split screen and stuff like that. Obama here and McCain on the other side. Then you can compare them pretty good, I think.
Reporter: Who are you rooting for?
Dolph: Well, I'll have to say that I'm rooting for Obama. Because I think it's good with change in the world and especially since USA is the enginge of the world economy. So I think it will be good with a little change in USA.
Reporter: Now you're writing an article in Expressen, as well.
Dolph: Exactly, I've been talked in to writing an article about my thoughts about USA and the presidential election and a little about how actors and celebrities engages themself in election times and my thoughts on american politics, the american society. And a little how I think it's going to turn out and why I want one of them to win. Yyou can read about that in Expressen today (laughs)


Why I cried this morning

Marie S: Where do you live in the US?
Dolph: I work in Los Angeles, but live in Spain and London.

Åke: Hej Dolph! Do they call you "He-Man" a lot after you played him?
Dolph: Sometimes or "that Russian boxer".

Daniel: Which super hero would you have wanted to play? Thor maybe?
Dolph: Thor sounds perfect

Marie S: I've heard you're from Nyland? Are you home visiting Ådalen any time?
Dolph: I was there 4-5 years ago. Hope to be back soon.

Moah: Hi, Dolph! You are great!!! Here in Sweden we are pretty good at buying ecological food. How is it in USA and other countries you've been in?
Dolph: In USA and especially in California they are very good at that as well.

Therese: Do you have any new movie coming up?
Dolph: My new movie will be called "COMMAND PERFORMANCE" and is a hostage-drama taking place in Moscow.

Gunilla O: Now when you're starting to get - if you don't mind me saying - a little older, wouldn't it be nice to move back to Sweden again? Don't you miss your native country? You sound very engaged in USA.
Dolph: I'm engaged over the the whole world and. yes, I miss Sweden.

Sven: When was the last time you cried?
Dolph: This morning

chris: Do you have any children? How old are they?
Dolph: Ida 12 years and Greta 7 years

Carola: Do you hang out with Sylvester Stallone?
Dolph: Sometimes in LA -- it's always fun to meet him and talk about movies and boxing.

Mikael: Hi Dolph. How often do you train now in a week. What's your mixture between cardio and strength-training?
Dolph: 4-5 times a week. 60/40 cardio/strength

Claes: I've heard that you are interested in arts. Which artists are a part of your collection?
Dolph: Many, Carl Fredrik Hill, Basquiat, Donald Baechler, Lena Cronqvist and many others.

Envira: Have you ever felt like a sex object? If so, how have that felt like?
Dolph: Often, but you get usd to it. It's important to have a family and children to keep your feet on the ground.

Agneta: Who's your biggest idol in life?
Dolph: Clint Eastwood.

Pontus: Do you have any plans of getting into politics like your former collegue Arnold Schwarzenegger?
Dolph: I've been asked to, but haven't decided.

robert: Do you still keep in touch with Grace Jones?
Dolph: Not in many years, unfortunately.

Peter: Have you met any of the Presidential Candidates in the US?
Dolph: No -- but I'm in DC next week so you never know...

Emelie: How did you and Anette Qviberg meet each other? Was it love at first sight?
Dolph: We met for 30 seconds at a friend. I felt that it was something special immediately.

Ubbe: Do you use to watch fansites about youself?
Dolph: Sometimes, to see what people think and says.

Milton Vestin: What do you think about the Eurovision Song Contest, and Charlotte Perrelli? =)
Dolph: I've missed that the last couple of years, sadly...

Marie Sundeqvis: Have you studied your family history?
Dolph: Only a little, but it's very interesting and I'd like to do some more...

Milton Vestin: Have you met Britney Spears, and what do you think about everything that's being written about her?
Dolph: I have met her. She's a very carismatic person and people can't get enough of her -- You never know what's through or not in the tabloids

Jenny and Carro: Hi! Do you have a middle name?
Dolph: Hans Dolph

Daniel: Have you gotten any proposals of playing a super hero? I think Thor would have been great
Dolph: I did He-Man and Punisher

Angélica: How much do you weigh?
Dolph: 100 kg

Hasse: Hi, Dolph. Do you read books? Or are you too busy with other activities?
Dolph: I often read historical books, currently I'm reading A Place in the Sun by Liza Marklund.

John Axel: Obama has been accused of wanting do run politics like Swedens. Does the US look down on Swedish politics?
Dolph: I haven't heard about this. Most americans probably don't know much about Swedish politics. Sweden in general have great reputation in the US.

Filip: Hi! I''ve heard rumors about Universal Soldier 3. Is this correct?
Dolph: Reading the script right now. It might happen.

Angelica: Does it happen that you google your name? (Everybody does that I guess
Dolph: Not very often

Ubbe: You've been in the swedish press a lot lately. Is it time for a "swedish career"? Next Idol-jury perhaps?
Dolph: It's fun to do more press in Sweden and for the swedes to get to know me better.

Jonas: Dolph, if you got "all" resources available, how would the "ultimate" action movie be (sci-fi, western, war movie, action?) and who would play the main characters?
Dolph: A historic movie, wikings or world war 2. I'm directing swedish actors.

Emelie: Do you get many proposals about roles in swedish movies?
Dolph: About once a year.

Tom: What kind of music do you like?
Dolph: Motown, classic rock.

Camilla: Which political question do you consider is the msot important in the presidential campaign?
Dolph: To bring the hope for the future back in USA and the rest of the world.

Jenny and Carro: Hi! Why did you cry this morning?
Dolph: I miss my family sometimes

Otto: What was the first movie you starred in?
Dolph: The Living Daylights, a Bond-movie.

Maria: Are you trying to get Command Performance released on swedish cinemas?
Dolph: Yeah, that would be perfect.

Thomas: Do you follow the growing sport MMA? If so, who's your favorite?
Dolph: MMA is interesting -- I'm not much of an expert, there are so many fighters that it's hard to get to know them.

Daniel: Do your children want to become actors?
Dolph: I think so, at least Ida.

Jens: You are in a tremendous shape. How important is eating healthy food? Or is it possibly to just train as hell and still get in the same great shape? How much martial arts do you practice?
Dolph: Sometimes I go on stricter diets, less carbs and more proteins. I'm practicing martial arts 4 times a week.

Vilma: Which actor would you wan't to play against the most?

Dolph: Clint, he's only 78 and still a bad ass.

rocky: Hi dolph, would you mind making another Rocky movie if it was to happen?
Dolph: Why not, if the script is good.

Roger Larsson: Will Ivan Drago return in a movie in the future?
Dolph: I doubt it.

tobbe: Me and my buddies use to have "Dolph"-knights. Where we watch 5-7 of your movies in a row. Do you use to watch your own movies at times?
Dolph: Not very often because I'm always working on a new movie. But it's fun sometimes.

solveig: McCain is something as unusual as an HONEST politician. He proved it to me when I lived in AZ. I voted on him then and I'm voting on him now.
Dolph: I'm sure you're right, he seems very honest.

Niklas: Which movie are you most proud of?
Dolph: COMMAND PERFORMANCE(my new one) and ROCKY 4.

Mikael: Which movie did we see a clip where you where about to shoot someone and says "Spring era jävlar"?
Dolph: Men Of War.

Jenny and Carro: Hi! Who do you think will win on tuesday?
Dolph: Obama.

Hugo: Are you a democrat or republican - which swedish party do you stand closest to?
Dolph: Miljöpartiet seems okay. In USA I'm only voting for the politican, not the party.

Moderator: Now there's only five minutes left of the chat.

jjj: Why isn't there many women doing action movies?
Dolph: There's been some more over the last couple of years.. more men than women in occupations associated with action perhaps.

Carl-Johan: Ever thought about changing your name to Dolpin? Cute
Dolph: It does sound cute!

Tomas: Is it true that you wrote a script to a Rocky movie where there was a swedish boxer against rocky?
Dolph: Not true

Angélica: Do you have a drivers licence? And what kind of car do you drive?
Dolph: Drivers License from California -- likes Landrover-jeeps.

Marie Sundeqvis: Where do you celebrate christmas?
Dolph: This year in West India, last year Sweden.

Metal Joel: Would you want to be in a movie where Steven Seagal is the bad guy. I think it would be hot to see him get a little beating.
Dolph: It's about time.

Jenny and Carro: Hi! Have you met Angelina Jolie?
Dolph: No, but she's already hooked up with that short guy, right...

Micke: Have you been affected by the economic crisis?
Dolph: No, not very much

Gunilla: Where in Sweden would you like to live?
Dolph: On the countryside.

Daniel: Hi, Dolph! Do you have many relatives left in Sweden? Can your children udnerstand swedish by the way? =)
Dolph: Many relatives in children knows swedish but needs more practice. They usually travel to their grandmother in Sweden during summer.

Marie Sundeqvis: Do you skiI?
Dolph: I love long skiing trips.

putte: What do you prefer, coffee or tee?
Dolph: Coffee

Sacke: How does it feel when you're watching yourself on the big screen? In a role that is completely different from youself in real life?
Dolph: It's a little weird but exciting.

Peter: Other actors, Chuck Norris for example, has written a few books. Ever thought about writing one of your own?
Dolph: I'm planning to do just that.

Moderator: Now we must end this sessuion. Thank you, Dolph Lundgren, for answering the readers questions!

Gustaf: Which of yout movies has been most fun to shoot?
Dolph: Rocky 4 and my last Command Performance where I play the drums

Hans Lind: Hi, Dolph. What was it like working with Brandon Lee?
Dolph: He was very talented. Really sad what happened to him.

Sacke: What's do the american population think about Bush and the things he's done?
Dolph: A lot of people in USA definetely doesn't like Bush.

Sven: So you don't live with your family? Is that why your crying?
Dolph: I travel a lot and the kids are at school..

JOhnny: Are you afraid of flying?
Dolph: No

Angélica: If you were asked, would you like to play James Bond?
Dolph: In swedish

Mia: Read your article and thought it was great. Surprisingly great even! What happens if Obama loses?
Dolph: The crisis will get deeper, but the world always survive.

JOnas: Lundgren and Stallone. Will we ever get another movie with you two together?
Dolph: Would be fun!

Anna: Do you have any friends left in Sweden that you ahve contact with. Really close friends?
Dolph: Yeah, I have a couple of them.

Tony: Any plans on creating your own fansite where you can find out most things about you?
Dolph: Check or dolph - the ultimate

Mikael B: About the fight with Van Damme, was that only a publicity stunt?
Dolph: He was about to get knocked down... no, just a publicity stunt.

Angélica: Will you continue to make movies or are you thinking about taking it easier? (Would be fun with a new Universal Soldies)
Dolph: I'll be going full speed for quite a time

Marie Sundeqvist: Where in Nyland did you live? Do you still have any relatives in Ådalen?
Dolph: Above the old sma-school

Sir Baumgartner: Who fits best in your haircut: You, Carina Berg or Robin?
Dolph: Carina

Marie: Do you like readheaded women???
Dolph: Yes!

Anki Olsson: Just wanted to say hello from an old class mate from Nyland.
Dolph: Anki, hi. How fun!

Angélica: Just wanted to say that your article was very well written and interesting.
Dolph: Thanks!!

Marcus: Any plans on an autobiography in the future?
Dolph: I'm thinking about it.

Lasumi: Have you ever met a deaf person... do you know deaf sign language?
Dolph: Don't know deaf sign language but have met a lot of deaf persons.

Dolph Lundgren wants to move to Sweden.
In an exclusive interview with he reveals that he may consider a political career - inspired by his friend Arnold Schwarzenegger.
- I love Sweden, but it could be so much better, he says.

He's been away from his native country for a long time. But this summer, a lot of people gathered around to listen on his radio programme on "Sommar". The swedish people wanted more and Dolph Lundgren, 50 from Spånga, as well. Now, the Hollywood star reveals that he might move back to his home country.
- We're moving that way. I want my daughters to learn the language more. Sweden is a wonderful country.
The "Summer"-programme meant a lot to him. He got the chance to show sides of himself the swedish people didn't know about.
- People haven't known me at all. They have seen me as some action figure in plastic, with a huge torso, and who's a little thingyy.

New look on Sweden
If Dolph Lundgren and his family comes home is a political career not an impossibilty.
- It's an alternative, he says.
- Where does the interest in politics come from?
- Everybody is interested in politics more or less. I travel a lot, read a lot of fact litterature and likes history. Politics is about people and to decide about the future and spare it from war and misery. He continues:
- I've got another look on my native country after my travels. The thought probably hit me when my wife said that I would make a great Prime Minister, Dolph Lundgren says and laughs.
- But it's not that simple in real life. Not as easy as in the movies. It all started as a joke, but the more I've thought about it I think that Sweden can be a lot better than it already is.

Inspired by Arnold
Dolph Lundgren says that he's been inspired by his friend Arnold Schwarzenegger, the american action star who made a career as Governor of California.
- We know each other quite well and meet each other a lot. And I'm starting to understand that feeling of wanting to help my hometown and my home country. I can see myself as a swedish equivalence.
When Dolph meets Arnold the Governor often sits in a pair of shorts on a café with a cigar in his hand.
- He has five bodyguards around him and not far away is a helicopter, Dolph says and laughs.
- He is a smart guy, people look up to him because he's made it. He doesn't take out a salary - he donates it all to charity. People take him seriously.

"The environment will be more important"
Dolph Lundgren is also interested in charity. If there would be a political career the environment would be one of his most important tasks.
- The environment is important, and it will become more and more so. The greenhouse effect is heating up the earth faster than we think.
- Do we get to see you in Miljöpartiet (Swedish political party) in the 2010 election?
- That's a little too close. I must have time to organize myself first, says Dolph Lundgren.

Things you may not know about Dolph:
* Studied at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. Continued his studies as a scholar in Australia and later at MIT in USA.
* Is 196 centimeters long and have competed in karate.
* Met Grace Jones and made his debut as an actor in the James Bond movie "A View To A Kill" in 1985.
* The same year he got his big breakthrough with the film "Rocky IV" where he played the Soviet boxer Ivan Drago.
* His first top-billed starring role was as He-Man in 1987.
* Debuted as a director in 2004 with the movie "The Defender".
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Postby Tom on 11 Nov 2008, 19:14

Great insights! Who knows, Sly, Arnie and Dolph together on the big screen in a couple of years? I'd love that! I think it's also immensely cool that action stars hang out.
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Postby Mosquito on 11 Nov 2008, 22:23

So if anybody tries to get back to that old rumor about Dolph's retirement plans, we can tell them now that he's actually planning to go on at full speed. Very nice! ;-)

Touched me when he said he misses his family. I was wondering about that because lately I realized how much he's travelling all the time. Until recently I thought what a great job actors have because I thought they work a couple of months per year and can stay the rest of the time at home with their families. Didn't think about all the little extra jobs, the promo tours and the acquisition process. Tough job...

Oh and my greatest thanks to Rambo88! What a piece of work that must have been.
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Postby Lennert on 17 Dec 2008, 13:10

Why does he say he stars in The Living Daylights?
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Postby Jox on 17 Dec 2008, 13:15

Must an error of translation or what "View to a Kill" is called in Sweden.
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Postby dolphage on 18 Dec 2008, 18:41

"Metal Joel: Would you want to be in a movie where Steven Seagal is the bad guy. I think it would be hot to see him get a little beating.
Dolph: It's about time. "

It IS about time! Dolph has been making quite a few comments to that effect as of late. It´s fckng awesome! A little rivalry (there is good publicity in that)!
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Postby Mosquito on 18 Dec 2008, 21:30

Yeah, JCVD, too. Seagal doesn't seem to be the most liked guy. Or they all love each other and are good at irony. ;-)
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Re: Dolph supports Obama: we all need hope or the power to dream

Postby kygirl05 on 04 Sep 2010, 23:56

I was looking in the threads and decided to click on this because I never knew he was an Obama supporter. I found this q & a part to be ironic
Mia: Read your article and thought it was great. Surprisingly great even! What happens if Obama loses?
Dolph: The crisis will get deeper, but the world always survive.

Hmmm I wonder how he feels now that the crisis is worse than ever. Gosh I wish he still did the fan Q & A's.
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