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Postby Nathan on 11 May 2023, 12:37

Same. I can't believe he worked constantly through that, never missed a beat. And was at death's door essentially. You never know what people are going through.
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Postby Moltisanti on 11 May 2023, 15:18

Sorry to hear of his health issues. Hoping he continues to get quality treatment and sticks around many years.
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Postby alex.sp89 on 11 May 2023, 18:24

Sad news. I suspected before that something wasn't going right. He changed in the past ten years very severe. Someone could say it is age and stuff but changing was very quickly. He had courage to talk in front of the entire world. Do u guys remember when some made a buzz about DL health when they filmed EX4 back in late 2021. Well it was half a true. I hope his family will support him. he needs it as never before.

I was kind of shocked about his marriage. Looks like his ex wife was never supporting him just liked to spend his money (shutting her eyes when he was degrading with alcohol and affairs). Staying in Spain , far away from his job in Hollywood where was DL main job was the reason of all of it. If u want his money support the person and move where u can make more not just spend them all till u have nothing...

Reflecting about his career, proved my suspicion that he was never dedicated 100 % to the job especially in his golden era. Many his projects haven't been made for certain reasons. If u look to Seagal, Van Damme, Stallone - they co directed , choreographed, scripted movies on their own that's why they made more successful movies. I wrote about this few years ago on this forum. Now Dolph said himself pretty much the same thing. It is sad that he never had his own Sheldon Letich, Julius Nasso (WITHOUT HIS MOB CONNECTIONS, just pure movie business and art) behind his back who could push him forward. Stallone should have helped him - Dolph was his protege in some way,, but looks their relationship was up and down always. Or Stallone never took him seriously or the same level to his persona. Maybe Stallone is very narcisistic, who knows ?

Now the most important thing in my opinion is DL health and wish to be with us as much as possible. Cancer isnot a joke, unfortunately it spreads all over your body very unexpected. Supppot Dolph...
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Postby Nathan on 11 May 2023, 23:16

The interview has made Dolph more likeable in my eyes and more relatable. It's interesting that he was so open and honest but I think he'll benefit from it. He certainly has my respect.
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Postby Jox on 12 May 2023, 19:20

“I was shocked”: Sylvester Stallone on learning of friend Dolph Lundgren’s cancer battle ... cer-battle
The news came as a shock to his pal Sylvester Stallone, he told ABC Audio Thursday, explaining he just called his pal, who incidentally appears on Sly’s upcoming reality show The Family Stallone.

“I did,” Stallone said. “I didn’t know about it until I read about it yesterday. And I was shocked because we’ve been dealing with each other for years, including in the last couple of years. And I never knew that he was undergoing this incredible pain.”

He added, “It’s, you know, just the fact that he’s living in fear never brought it up. He then, you’ll see in other episodes, he is just outgoing and happy. He’s one tough guy.”

Stallone explained he called him Wednesday, expressing, “I felt really sad. Yeah, I really do. But he says it’s gotten better. And I’m going, ‘Okay.'”
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Postby preacher on 14 May 2023, 10:57

This was a lot to take in.
The Cancer being the big thing obviously.
The other stuff about his alcohol use, bad marriage, his awful, self destructive behaviour (and honestly; his deep Depression) in relation to that and his bad finances following the divorce was known. But presented compiled like this was some dark shit.

And then the fucking Cancer to top it all off. FUCK.

I am glad he is feeling better. "Better than in the last 5 years" according to his comments to Swedish 'Aftonbadet', in the article Jox linked to under News ('The Witcher' thread).
But honestly, my take is he is not out of the Woods yet, and might never be. The Doctor who saved his life, who appeared in Bensingers very well conducted and researched interview, says he has "Not months but years" and indicates he might be on medication for the foreseeable future.
Being cautious is of course the professional and correct thing to do and I am not saying he is in fact dying. Far from it! Just that this shit is something that D will have to live with and deal with from now on.

Miraculous that he turned around on deaths door and is now on the road to recovery!
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Postby Jox on 14 May 2023, 13:49

preacher wrote:Ouch.
This was a lot to take in.
The Cancer being the big thing obviously.
The other stuff about his alcohol use, bad marriage, his awful, self destructive behaviour (and honestly; his deep Depression) in relation to that and his bad finances following the divorce was known. But presented compiled like this was some dark shit.

And then the fucking Cancer to top it all off. FUCK.

Yeah, I have been processing for the last few days...
(And with someone like Dolph you'd assume he'd outlive everybody...)

preacher wrote:I am glad he is feeling better. "Better than in the last 5 years" according to his comments to Swedish 'Aftonbadet', in the article Jox linked to under News ('The Witcher' thread).
But honestly, my take is he is not out of the Woods yet, and might never be. The Doctor who saved his life, who appeared in Bensingers very well conducted and researched interview, says he has "Not months but years" and indicates he might be on medication for the foreseeable future.
Being cautious is of course the professional and correct thing to do and I am not saying he is in fact dying. Far from it! Just that this shit is something that D will have to live with and deal with from now on.

Miraculous that he turned around on deaths door and is now on the road to recovery!

Cancer can be so vicious, how many times people have been on recovery for years and it came back with a final blow... As long he is doing check ups regularly and being well looked after by his doctor(s) he should be fine.

Update: ... 927260495/

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Postby Dawn on 14 May 2023, 23:03

Honestly, I'm still pretty shocked too. I suspected something was off each time I would see him. It reminded me of my 2 uncles and aunt that all died of cancer. I am hoping the improvement is permanent but I don't see a lot of longterm happy stories with cancer. If he can re-gain weight, I think that will be a really good sign for him. The description of the side effects sounded very familiar in mynown family. Its hard to watch. Treatment is hard on the body too and takes a lot from you if it's chemo. The doctor does mRNA treatments which hopefully targeted the cancer where it is in the body. That was the hope with that kind of research. I'm glad to know that someone is actually practicing that. It sounds like there is a lot of promise with it.
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Postby bomaz on 15 May 2023, 07:24

I can't technically post it here (the board issues me an unknown error), but JCVD made a nice post on Facebook regarding the situation.
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Postby alex.sp89 on 15 May 2023, 09:25

I do not think it is chemo treatment - he would lose his hair and destruction of the body is very obvious..the worst thing is metastasis cancer. U do not know what organ will affect next...Usually there is no cure for this , You just prelong life as much as u can if u have financial support. The best treatment for it is in Israel if i am not wrong. But they offices all over the world, in the US for sure. Herbal treatment and pills should be taken always during the day...

Since 2015 (his first surgery) to 2020 he was checking his health and nothing was showing only in Sweden they detected that new cancer. Or doctor did not want to upset Dolph or something... In the US medicare is so expensive and become worst and worst in the past years and malpractise become regular event even for rich and famous people. It became just a business - not a real medicare taking care of someones life. Only in the past and socialist communist countries medicate had a true value a professionists who really cared about job, not the money. World changed in this money capitalistic race. What a pity...

TED talks was one of the sign that something was wrong when he talked about his dad. Nobody could think that an action star can say this in public
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Postby Jox on 15 May 2023, 10:22

bomaz wrote:I can't technically post it here (the board issues me an unknown error), but JCVD made a nice post on Facebook regarding the situation.

This one? ... 9LRV73m6Ml
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Postby Jox on 16 May 2023, 00:03

Here is a 60-minute audio podcast version of the interview:
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Postby Jox on 16 May 2023, 21:34

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Postby Jox on 17 May 2023, 22:42

Dolph Lundgren Recalls His Dirty, Disreputable, and “Risky” Punisher
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