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Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2012, 12:57
by Jox

Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 22 Mar 2012, 16:40
by dolphage
HOLY. SH*T. This is the best thing I've ever read! So awesome!

And that Dolph was nice to him is just so great to hear, because there were suposedly a few years where DL hadn't come to terms with his fame and some people say he was a bit dickish. But this is so great to read.

They need to be in a movie together!

Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2012, 00:32
by whiteandblank
As far as I have read, he has always been alright?

Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2012, 00:38
by Mosquito
dolphage wrote:They need to be in a movie together!

Haven't I said that about a thousand times before? If we all write it at least once, maybe someone important reads it and makes it happen. 8)

Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2012, 14:22
by Nikolai Cherenco

Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2012, 21:30
by Ivan, Jr.
The closest connection of Dolph and Dwayne I heard of was when the "Duke Nukem" video game became popular, they considered making a live action movie based on it(of course Dolph was at the top of the list to play him) :D . Yet, the movie never got past the "we should make it" stage. A few years ago, they started talking about it again..this time with Dwayne Johnson rumored to be offered the role?! :shock: Hear anything about that, Jox?

Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 23 Mar 2012, 21:36
by Jox
All I heard was that the late 90's rumors about Dolph in DUKE NUKEM were just speculations. Joe Spiegler from Apogee videogames had said: "This Dolph Lundgren thing for a Duke Nukem movie is untrue. Nothing has been signed for a movie, and nothing has been cast." We know that he was one of the inspirations for the character but by '97-98, nobody in Hollywood wanted Dolph for big movies even when he was right for the part...

Re: Dolph was the Idol of The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)

PostPosted: 28 Apr 2012, 14:44
by shooby
Do he want a role for Exp3 ? :wink: