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Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 18 Feb 2015, 21:10
by Jox
Johnny Mnemonic and the perfect cyberpunk movie it wasn't ... -take.html

This part is somewhat interesting:
Taken as a metafictional product of a fictional cyberpunk dystopia, much of Johnny Mnemonic makes sense. By 1995, many of the predictions of cyberpunk were coming true. The internet was — and is — a place where people live and work and socialize. Liberalism slowly elevated corporate interests above national ones. We never did get the cybernetic arms or brain jacks, and nobody really wanted the virtual reality, but that’s like mistaking Heinlein’s classic The Moon is a Harsh Mistress for being about rocket ships or nuclear fusion. Science fiction is the fiction of ideas, and cyberpunk is fundamentally about how people come to terms with technological progress that has outpaced the ability of people to understand and morally adapt to it, in societies that feel as if they are “designed by a bored researcher who kept one thumb permanently on the fast-forward button.”

In the same short story collection as “Johnny Mnemonic”, the novella this film is based on, is another, less famous story by William Gibson: “Gernsback Continuum”. This story, named for science fiction author Hugo Gernsback, is Gibson showing the full extent of Philip K. Dick’s influence on his writing. The story is about a photographer whose pictures (of what appear to be the cynical present of the 1980s) trigger visions of the Gernsback continuum, an idealized, brushed-aluminum-and-glass ideal of what golden age science fiction writers imagined the world would be like. The protagonist struggles with visions of spacesuits and zeppelins and flying wings, and it’s never clear if he’s seeing into and photographing an alternate timeline, or if he’s merely hallucinating. He can’t escape it until he throws himself entirely into the ugliest and seediest parts of reality, and even then, the doubt lingers.

Johnny Mnemonic almost works in this way, as metafiction produced by an implied Gibson continuum, the 1995 of the world that would go on to produce cyborgs and cyberspace. It almost forces the viewer to observe the technological and corporatist progress of their own lives. The blatant branding for fictional brands, the odd casting, the reversal of cultural sway. All of these could combine together to criticize the corporate machine that produced this movie, to criticize the hegemony of Hollywood.

In practice, though, Johnny Mnemonic only has an odd feeling of kitsch, as though it were the earnestly bad product of an only slightly different present. While much about cyberpunk holds true today, especially the core idea of culture shock caused by technological progress making life unrecognizable, Johnny Mnemonic falls into the gap where dystopic ideal met with dystopic reality. In a 2007 interview, Gibson described his writing as no longer being about the future, but rather “speculative fiction of the very recent past.” While Gibson caught up, and, in his own words used “a toolkit that was in large part provided by science fiction” to “a handle on the world today,” Johnny Mnemonic fell just short. But somewhere inside that deeply mediocre movie is a vision of that Gibson continuum, just out of reach.

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 01 Mar 2015, 12:43
by Jox
Dolph's deleted scene, Japanese extended cut

Alternate Dolph scene in the Japanese cut

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 09 Apr 2015, 10:59
by Jox
Spanish lobby card

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 15 Apr 2015, 11:43
by Jox
JOHNNY MNEMONIC opened 20 years ago today in Japan (world premiere)

Image Image


Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 09 May 2015, 12:47
by Jox
How was it working with Keanu Reeves?

It was really cool.
I worked with him before he did SPEED, so it was before he was an action star. But we did an action movie together called JOHNNY MNEMONIC. I played a crazy preacher. He was a really cool guy. He seemed really humble and nice. I enjoyed working with him.

(note: actually it was after he did SPEED but JM was filmed months before SPEED came out)
Hi Dolph! Who would be the ultimate victor if all of the characters you've played got into a fist fight?

Ha ha ha ha ha!
Shit! I'd be a mess. A lot of blood around.
Let's would be messy, yeah. The preacher in JOHNNY MNEMONIC would probably win. But then you have He-Man, with the sword. I think the preacher is so driven, he had such inner fire and conviction, maybe he would win in the fight! ... t1_cr2t3rv

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 23 May 2015, 01:45
by Jox
Hit Me: How JOHNNY MNEMONIC Helped Redefine Cyberpunk Cinema in the ’90s ... n-the-90s/

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 28 May 2015, 10:52
by Dida

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 22 Jun 2015, 13:22
by Jox
Rare promo stills:



Likely a rejected poster that somehow ended up in a Thai magazine:

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2015, 08:12
by Krom
Alreadt 20 yrs old, wow, this is classic obscure sci-fi, pretty solid, but Dolph was so underused or missedused in the movie. I remember at that time that i was expecting a real action movie;)

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 23 Jun 2015, 16:19
by Jox
Krom wrote:Dolph was so underused or missedused in the movie.

Mostly his character was slaughtered (as was the film) in the editing room because Sony was affraid of the sort of anti-religious aspect of the character and possible backlash...

Krom wrote:I remember at that time that i was expecting a real action movie;)

And yet it became more of an action movie than Robert Longo and William Gibson ever wanted it to be...

TV spot for Sony Movie Channel

Great to know Sofia Coppola and Spike Jonze were at the premiere 8)

Jones the junkie dolphin up for auction last March ... px?id=7648
From the 1995 movie Johnny Mnemonic, a life size prop model of a biomechanical dolphin, at Waddington's auction offices at 275 King Street East, March 23, 2015. A collection of movie props and artifacts from FXSMITH Studio are up for auction.


Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 24 Jul 2015, 18:48
by Jox
Street Preacher's Crucifix Knife auctioned recently (not sold) ... _i22735887



Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 05 Sep 2015, 12:54
by Jox
TV spots

Not much on JM but this Ice-T interview was taped from the set:

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 27 Jan 2016, 02:43
by Jox
Oddity: the soundtrack (by Dave Zabriskie) of the JM pinball machine game
playlist ... 3BCAFB1298

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 04 Feb 2016, 15:58
by Jox
Uncredited exec producer and worldwide sales agent Mark Damon (DARK ANGEL, JOSHUA TREE, MEN OF WAR, UNISOL 3 & 4) during pre-production back in 1993 (MIFED film market) ... th-vision/


Impact: The most intriguing movie title I've seen in recent times has been Johnny Mnemonic, which is to star Val Kilmer. Can you tell us a little about the film?

Mark Damon: Yes. It was written by William Gibson, who has quite a following for his cyberpunk novels. It's futuristic. It takes place about a hundred-and-twenty years from now. It deals with a world that's trying to overcome drugs and everything else. Johnny is a guy who comes in with a little electrode in his brain. Material has been downloaded into this, and he's carrying around information that could doom or save the world. As a result, everybody is after his head, literally! That's the basis, but it's going to be very stylised. It's a picture that is so interestingly weird that it reminds me in many ways of Blade Runner.

Impact: It's the first time we've seen Dolph Lundgren in a supporting role…

Mark Damon: He plays a bad guy, called The Street Preacher. He's very bad, as he was in Universal Soldier. When we saw him do so well as a heavy, we wanted to capitalise on it. We offered him this, and he found the role interesting enough to accept. We've done several films with him already. Dark Angel, Joshua Tree and Johnny Mnemonic, but before that one we're making Men of War with him, with a script by (director) John Sayles.

Re: JOHNNY MNEMONIC (Robert longo, 1995)

PostPosted: 19 May 2016, 10:24
by Jox
The Un-Private Collection: Robert Longo and Henry Rollins, Tuesday, 17. May 2016, Los Angeles (Orpheum Theatre) ... ns/2809039

This Tuesday, Rollins interviewed Longo in a show at the LA Orpheum Theatre where they discuss the artist's work and career. One question from fro the public was about JOHNNY MNEMONIC and the conversation kind of veered to poking Dolph once Rollins told his story again making every line a joke... Longo didn't seem harsh 20 years ago even though he was not playing the PR game and was already talking about what a nightmare the production was.

Here is the full 77 minutes show, the JM talk starts at 1 hour 05 min 23 secs

Don't know if it's serious but the one interesting thing is Longo talking about releasing his own black and white 45 mins version (à la Godard's ALPHAVILLE and Chris Marker's LA JETEE as it was first envisioned) of JM for the 25th anniversary... Look for it in 2020 (almost the year the movie takes places)!

Following Hollywood Reporter article:
Director Robert Longo Ruefully Recalls 'Johnny Mnemonic': "I Had Post-Traumatic Stress From That Movie" ... lls-895471