WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2015)

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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby ashleyej25 on 22 Sep 2014, 15:25

Yeah Kat can be annoying at times but if your a Rourke fan like me you get to see new video of him every few days or so. She must know his favorite places to go.

As for his film choices, he had a few friends in that movie with Gary Daniels. Eric Roberts is one of them. He could only get small parts and work in B movies back in the 90s because of his reputation back then.

When he brings his A game (im talking about acting) he's brilliant. His level of acting skills are up there with Brando's. And the younger Rourke reminded me of James Dean. I love method acting.

Very excited for this film will love to see Dolph and Rourke together. Loved seeing them hug in that video i posted. :)

Want to see them both kick some a@# in this film.

As for Rourke not giving a shit well i think they are coming to him. He has a film coming out in 2015 called Ashby. And from the synopsis that I've read. and cast thats in it, it looks like it could be a great film.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 22 Sep 2014, 15:28

ashleyej25 wrote:Very excited for this film will love to see Dolph and Rourke together. Loved seeing them hug in that video i posted. :)

I think they kind of reconnected with THE EXPENDABLES. Of course they knew each other from way back, and used to co-own (with one or two others) a club in L.A. back in the 80s or early 90s.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby ashleyej25 on 22 Sep 2014, 15:40

Oh wow! I didn't know they co-owned a club in L.A at one time. That's cool. :)
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby DRC2013 on 23 Sep 2014, 20:47

They just shut down the Kickstarter campaign an hour ago. $358 raised.

Seems like they weren't happy with the results. However I don't know how much effort they put into it.

From following a few different movie crowdfunding campaigns I have come to understand that a succesful campaign is pretty much a full time job, with promotion, keeping donators updated, putting up new rewards, social media etc.

They had somewhat limited rewards to begin with, which I'm sure kept many people from donating, me included.

I wonder if they'll start it again?
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 23 Sep 2014, 21:40

It just started why would they do that? I didn't get to give my "two cents"... They sure didn't push it. Projects with less "names" manage to get a lot of money from these. And the video sure was lazy. This is one that twi of my best film school buddies started for a short about female veterans with PTSD, and it's not just talking heads, it's not perfect but certainly is more thought out and polished:

DRC2013 wrote:They had somewhat limited rewards to begin with, which I'm sure kept many people from donating, me included.

It's the usual (rarely see much more stuff - and in the end doesn't some of the money you give also end up in those goodies? some of which have to be "produced") but one I was happy about was the soundtrack score, which can be hard to get on these films.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 24 Sep 2014, 00:00

That's strange. Annoying too as I'd linked the kickstarter campaign in the news article I posted on Flickering Myth.
It seemed a bit pointless though. 7,500? It's such a low number, even for a low budget film like this. You'd imagine War Pigs will have 1-2 million budget. I don't get why they'd need to tack on such a low number as extra. Just seems pointless. I can understand if they needed an extra 200,000 or something like that.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby ashleyej25 on 24 Sep 2014, 00:59

yeah this is strange.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Moltisanti on 24 Sep 2014, 04:28

Wondering if this either fell through or has been delayed, thus opening a window by which Lundgren signed on to do that 4 TOWERS film. That's filming in mid-Nov which is when I figured WAR PIGS was originally set to start. Time will tell.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 24 Sep 2014, 09:50

No, it's not a back up project, it was in talks and planned already a month or two ago like the other two. WAR PIGS is for October I think. And I highly doubt it's been delayed or canceled because of this Kickstarter mishap.

Tom wrote:It seemed a bit pointless though. 7,500? It's such a low number, even for a low budget film like this. You'd imagine War Pigs will have 1-2 million budget. I don't get why they'd need to tack on such a low number as extra. Just seems pointless. I can understand if they needed an extra 200,000 or something like that.

It's not pointless. It doesn't matter how much budget you have (remember Gary Goddard fighting for a few thousands bucks to shoot the end fight of his $22M budget MOTU), if you need an extra $7,500 (which is still not an anodin number) that can make a difference in your film and can't get it it's not pointless at all. You have no idea how sometimes they can struggle to get a little extra money to complete the film. And when they don't, well, the film suffers from cheapening the angles as you know it.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby dude hallenbeck on 24 Sep 2014, 10:51

Even the $358 bucks they did manage to get would've had a point.

I really hope they secured some extra funding from producers, and there's no issues with the film.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 24 Sep 2014, 11:01

If they had waited the end of the campaign (28 days later) and pushed it more they have gotten it no problem.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 24 Sep 2014, 11:28

The initial campaign was to get some war re-enactors to come in a do a few battle scenes. Perhaps they've just decided to scrap a large scale battle sequence (because lets face it, we've seen it in every war film ever made) and just have the action more confined and smaller scale.
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 24 Sep 2014, 11:32

Jox wrote:No, it's not a back up project, it was in talks and planned already a month or two ago like the other two. WAR PIGS is for October I think. And I highly doubt it's been delayed or canceled because of this Kickstarter mishap.

Tom wrote:It seemed a bit pointless though. 7,500? It's such a low number, even for a low budget film like this. You'd imagine War Pigs will have 1-2 million budget. I don't get why they'd need to tack on such a low number as extra. Just seems pointless. I can understand if they needed an extra 200,000 or something like that.

It's not pointless. It doesn't matter how much budget you have (remember Gary Goddard fighting for a few thousands bucks to shoot the end fight of his $22M budget MOTU), if you need an extra $7,500 (which is still not an anodin number) that can make a difference in your film and can't get it it's not pointless at all. You have no idea how sometimes they can struggle to get a little extra money to complete the film. And when they don't, well, the film suffers from cheapening the angles as you know it.

It just doesn't make the film look that good. Perhaps they should have better worked out the budget they already have. If you desperately need a battle scene (which I suspect they can live without) then you lose something in it's place.
It just looks a bit pathetic for a production like that, with well known actors like Dolph, Rourke and Goss, to be begging for 7,500 grand. Yeah every penny counts in film, believe me I know. But maybe they should have quietly gone about finding the investment from actual investors.

Putting up a campaign for 7.5k and dropping it after 2 days looks a bit small time. Not only that, it could well set the tone for how the production might be handled (but I really hope not).
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 24 Sep 2014, 14:34

Maybe they did first - try to get that money from investors (fewer and far between, especially if you already ran out of them to get a few millions for your film). It also looks most of the producers on this show and others are younger hipsters than it used to. So they're trying to do things they're own way and ways of our time (not thinking it's a bad thing or bad rep to Kickstart "and who gives a f**k if we manage to pull it off").

Im' not sure what to think about all this and don't have enough infos to make a solid opinion, but as always, wait and see...

As a project though WAR PIGS still looks potentially and ambitiously the best of the three (THE LAKE could be interesting if it's a character piece like it sounds it could be and not a cheesy "shark flick").
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Re: WAR PIGS (Ryan Little, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 24 Sep 2014, 18:52

Only have a few more weeks before shooting starts for the movie!
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