MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby shooby on 31 May 2016, 19:15

Is there any mistake here ?

Y'see, Dolph Lundgren apparently hated making the first movie so much that he refused to reprise the role of He-Man, and so professional surfer Laird John Hamilton (above) was lined up to play the hero. Which is a little odd, but not especially so for the 80's
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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 31 May 2016, 21:11

"Hate" is too strong, but it sure was one of the hardest shoots for him back then (two months by night non stop out of the 4-5 months shoot, his 1st starring role, him being lost in Hollywood and new found celebrity, duty to live up to the He-Man image, the delays and all the production issues going on)... and he sure wouldn't do a sequel (despite the fact that Menahem Golan boldly announced he would do two sequels in front of him at the 1987 Cannes press conference).

in Impact (French), #20, April 1989:
Vous avez refusé de reprendre le rôle de Musclor dans Les Maîtres de l'Univers ?

D.L.: A l'époque où on me l'a proposé, je tournais Le Scorpion Rouge. Les Maîtres de l'Univers fut un cauchemar. 5 mois de tournage dont deux la nuit. Le studio connaissait d'énormes problèmes et le budget était important. Et il s'agissait de mon premier rôle en tant que vedette. Cela a été très dur. En général, je ne m'aime pas à l'écran mais là... Il y a bien quelques effets spéciaux à sauver, quelques séquences. Pas plus. J'aimerais oublier. D'un autre côté, il m'a aidé dans ma carrière et m'a appris beaucoup. Les Maîtres de l'Univers a été numéro 1 des ventes vidéo en Angleterre mais l'e n'ai pas gagné beaucoup d'argent dans 'histoire. Peu Importe, ce qui compte c'est ce que l'on veut devenir,

"At the time I was offered it, I was shooting Red Scorpion. Masters of the Universe was a nightmare. 5 months of filming, 2 by night. The studio had big troubles and the budget was huge. And it was my first starring role. It was very tough. In general I don't like myself on a screen, but there... There are some special effects, some sequences to save. Not more. I'd like to forget. On the other hand, it helped me in my career and taught me a lot. Masters of the Universe was number one in video rentals in England but I didn't earn money in the end. Anyway, what counts it what we want to become."

Movieline, July 1995:
Masters of the Universe?
"I froze my ass off in Los Angeles. It was 45 degrees and I was wearing nothing but a pair of trunks," he says, beginning to laugh, "and some sort of cape, standing on this camera vehicle going 40 miles an hour for hours! It was a tough shoot.

"You know, I was green back then," he says, almost wistfully, "I'd just made Rocky IV, and went from working at the door of Limelight and studying acting in the afternoon to do a {Masters} world tour and starring in my own motion picture! I didn't know what the fuck was going on."

Amazing Heroes, #165, May 15th 1989 (promoting THE PUNISHER then in post-production):
AmericanHeroes.jpg (59.04 KiB) Viewed 18439 times
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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 29 Jun 2016, 22:44

In William Stout's studio for the upcoming doc in production, Power Of Grayskull: The Definitive History of He-Man and the Masters of the Universe:


Original Skeletor costume concept
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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 04 Jul 2016, 10:19

Toys art by Errol McCarthy ... image=1385



Original concepts for Skeletor's sword and dagger


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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 18 Jul 2016, 17:00

Complete Panini album (English & Spanish)

Image Image

UK home video advert

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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 22 Jul 2016, 09:29

Rare MOTU teaser poster

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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 26 Jul 2016, 09:57

Gary Goddard interviewed for the upcoming POWER OF GRAYSKULL documentary

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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 28 Jul 2016, 17:31

A petition asking Warner Bros for a 30th Anniversary Special Edition ... nd-blu-ray
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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 29 Jul 2016, 09:25

Legendary stuntman Loren Janes just lost his home and all of his movie memorabilia in the Los Angeles Sand Fire. He was the stunt choreographer on MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE. A GoFundMe page has been set up to help him and his family out during this difficult time.
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Re: MASTERS OF THE UNIVERSE (Gary Goddard, 1987)

Postby Jox on 30 Jul 2016, 16:50

Jox wrote:Gary Goddard interviewed for the upcoming POWER OF GRAYSKULL documentary

Anthony DeLongis / Blade
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