COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 23 Mar 2021, 21:17

Danish VHS

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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 06 Jul 2021, 00:20

I think this was the very first filmed interview I've ever seen of Dolph, which aired on French television 30 years ago, in early July 1991, ahead of the theatrical release of COVER-UP...

The interview aired in July 1991 but it was recorded in November 1990 when the COVER-UP release date was January 1991 initially (before being postponed by fear of the comparison with the Gulf War events)...
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 10 Jul 2021, 10:55

Today marks the 30th anniversary of the French theatrical release.

At the time, it was Dolph Lundgren's smallest release in terms of screens. It had been pushed back six months, and it was coming out at what used to be the weakest time for film releases in France because people went on vacation and didn't go much to the movies...

Nonetheless, I went to see it twice on the big screen at age 12, and was haunted by the last 10 minutes of the film and its melancholic musical score...

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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 05 Oct 2021, 12:59

COVER-UP is now available to rent or buy in HD through Shout! Factory TV 8) ... 0001aeb215


If only they would release it on Blu-ray, but I doubt it...

If any anyone US-based could get it for me from Amazon, please shoot me an email!
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 30 Oct 2021, 09:59

A good review from my buddy 'robotGEEK' who discovered it on Prime in glorious and HD and widescreen:

90's Thriller Throwback: Cover-Up (1991) ... -1991.html
Sometimes you go into these little films expecting a mediocre little affair to waste some time, and other times you're surprised how good the film actually is, which is pretty much what happened here. Cover-Up is a film I've been wanting to see for ages, but just never got around to it. While it has been officially released on DVD for some time, in dreaded full frame, I still never got around to it for one reason or another. I just always meant to. But! That opportunity finally presented itself when The Punisher: The Untold Story of a Cult Classic author Jeremie Damoiseau let it be known that this film was finally given the HD and widescreen treatment and was finally available to stream via Amazon Prime. Sold! Let's dig in.

I knew going in that this was not going to be an action film. Basically all I knew, other than it was the second collaboration between Lundgren and Louis Gossett Jr. after The Punisher, was that it was a thriller, and it was directed by Manny Coto (Dr. Giggles, Dexter). What I wasn't prepared for honestly, was how good this was, and most importantly, how well made it would ultimately be. And that's an aspect that I'm sure not a lot of people put much stock in, but it's a huge deal to me. I notice. And that's an area where Cover-Up really shines. Director Manny Coto gives the film and it's visuals an aura of professionalism that you rarely see in these low-budget thrillers. I have to admit, on the surface, aside from an unnecessary nude scene, this could easily have been another run-of-the-mill Made-for-TV movie, because as Espionage Thrillers go, there's nothing really all that special about it. That's why things like impressive camera setups, solid editing and a professionals touch really go a long way with these types of films. Aesthetically, Cover-Up is fantastic and definitely one of the better and more impressive looking films in Lundgren's DTV output.


As far as stories go, it's good, unfolding as more of an Espionage Thriller rather than an Action Thriller, because as much as we had hoped, there's very little action. But the action there is, is done exceptionally well. I think what makes Cover-Up stand out from other films in Lundgren's career, especially where it sits in his filmography, sandwiched between action cult classics Dark Angel aka I Come in Peace and Showdown in Little Tokyo, Cover-Up is a stark contrast in that Dolph does no fighting, or kicking ass, or really using his brawn in general. Here he relies solely on his acting chops and he does an excellent job. If anything, I would consider this a pretty great example of his acting talents if you think all he has to offer are his muscles.

I don't really feel the need to mention how good Louis Gossett Jr. is because the man always delivers the goods 100%, and does not let us down here. He's just effortlessly great, and no matter the size of the budget or quality of the film, he frequently reminds of that he won an Oscar for his talents. He's just amazing, plain and simple.

I'm not saying Cover-Up will blow you away or that it's amazing, because it certainly has a few issues, like pacing and lack of thrills, but overall the film has so much else going for it that I can easily overlook those elements. It's a solid film, made exceptionally well, and if you're in the mood for a good looking 90's thriller set in the Middle East, it will certainly entertain.

Curious little side-note. This is the only film written by William Tannen, who directed some 80's classics such as the underrated Chuck Norris thriller Hero and the Terror, and the early 80's thriller Flashpoint.

Cover-Up is currently streaming in HD and widescreen for the first time ever on Amazon Prime.
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby JuV on 30 Oct 2021, 14:29

Good review! I watched this for the first time about a year ago and alto it's not the best I did enjoy it and would love for the HD/widescreen version to get a physical release (same goes for Jill Rips). I do tink a few releases in Germany are widescreen but I don't know if those are cropped or OAR...
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 30 Oct 2021, 14:55

JuV wrote:would love for the HD/widescreen version to get a physical release (same goes for Jill Rips).

Ditto, especially since the HD master looks particularly good and do justice to the original photography in my opinion (which is faithful to the theatrical experience if I remember correctly from 30 years ago)...

A lot that can be criticised about this film but there's definitely something unique about it as well, and that set its apart from other movies in the genre. It really doesn't deserve such a bad reputation (and I stand by JILL RIPS in the same way too).
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby alex.sp89 on 30 Oct 2021, 17:00

Amazon Prime HD widescreen version looks great in my opinion. Better than Dark Angel and The Punisher. New HD transfers use different technology that the old masters from 2008-2010 ( we can notice that easy on the new Blu Rays of the same movies that have been released earlier in 2008-2009). Scanning in deeper I guess.

About Cover Up (1991) I would say cinematography is really great ( no shaking hands like today). music is good. Is more atmospheric movie, like another Tannen movie Hero and the Terror (Chuck Norris vehicle from 1988). It has interesting twist, guessing who is the bad guy in this movie. It just needed a little bit more action in it, where it wasn't just Cooper and his girlfriend as villains, they needed like a fake "terrorist" small group (7-10 men) who was involved in it too. commanded by Cooper (aka Bill Sadler in Die Hard 2). This could give more ground and presence for L. Gossett Jr. killing some Cooper mercenaries along with Dolph.
The problem with movie was in the trailer. I don't know who made that trailer, but it shows that Cooper faked his death and he is the traitor. They should keep it like secret showing him from behind or in mask.They made a big mistake demasking everything. Really stupid.It is a thriller - u need to guess who is the baddy here. Music is good. Vic Armstrong also worked on it - he is the master, even didn't noticed that before.

Old transfers on VHS and fullscreen DVD was really bad, that is why many didn't see the potential and shine of it. HD give u the real cinematic experience. Unusual role for Dolph and strange in hie early career ( I think he didn't want to stuck as an action hero and to be a more serious actor) Runtime is listed wrong everywhere -91 minutes , 89-90 minutes on old VHS, the real runtime is 92 minutes
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby JuV on 30 Oct 2021, 20:19

Jox wrote:
JuV wrote:would love for the HD/widescreen version to get a physical release (same goes for Jill Rips).

Ditto, especially since the HD master looks particularly good and do justice to the original photography in my opinion (which is faithful to the theatrical experience if I remember correctly from 30 years ago)...

A lot that can be criticised about this film but there's definitely something unique about it as well, and that set its apart from other movies in the genre. It really doesn't deserve such a bad reputation (and I stand by JILL RIPS in the same way too).

Yeah, both aren't perfect movies but definitely unique and worth being seen in proper quality. Depending on who did the transfer/owns the rights I could definitely see some small(ish) distributer releasing it eventually. I'm kinda amazed these 2 even got very recent HD transfers neither of them have a (cult) following as far as I know.
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 30 Oct 2021, 21:10

Everything is getting HD transfers now because you have to deliver one if you want to sell your movie to TV or on-demand platforms... But also, Dolph Lundgren is sort of a hot name nowadays, and will be for the next couple years with EX4 and AQUAMAN 2 on the way.
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby alex.sp89 on 31 Oct 2021, 09:43

i am glad that Dolph carrier is moving forward. 3-4 projects per year. Actually he is doing much better than Seagal and Van Damme today.Seagal stuck in his primitive DTV movies and his connection with Russia will never allow him to star in a big US project. sexual abuse complains etc. Van Damme is semi-retired and works occasionally and his bad habit hanging out with wrong people. When I saw that short video clip of JCVD in the car with romanian gypsies I though it is the bottom. Also taking pictures and vids with another romanian gypsy singer who was suspected/arrested for human trafficking,pimping, money laundry and drugs is not the best move for his carrier too. I remember one of the last interviews of Tony Lister Jr.(God Bless his soul Dibo forever) when he was asked about working on UniSol 1 with Dolph and Van Damme, he responded that Dolph is really nice guy but Van Damme not really. Everyone told him to stay away from Van because he is not very good guy, I was very surprised...
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 08 Nov 2021, 11:46

You can always count on Tom to spread some Dolph-in Lundgren through Flickering Myth ;) ... selection/

This was something of an oddity in Dolph Lundgren’s early CV. After his Punisher film stumbled on its US release, delayed and eventually heading straight to video, Lundgren’s early promise as a rising action hero seemed scuppered. Cover Up would fail to find a wide audience outside of Europe, hitting the video shelves, where Lundgren would soon become a popular mainstay. Where this film differs from his run and gun specials preceding it, is that Lundgren plays an investigative journalist looking to uncover the truth behind the suspicious deaths of two soldiers, not long after a military compound was raided and attacked. He’s tasked with a lot of dialogue in an early career attempt to branch out.

Soon he uncovers the disappearance of a chemical agent, military cover ups and double agents, all whilst finding himself increasingly under threat from hostiles. It’s not action heavy to put it mildly (but does feature a sterling Vic Armstrong constructed car chase), focusing on slow burn espionage in the vein of Jack Ryan. As such it never quite clicked with action aficionado’s expecting more Dolph destruction. Still, the Israeli settings, nefarious rain swept meetings in cars, and a love interest (who of course ultimately becomes a femme fatale) lend itself to plenty of neo noir aesthetics and double crossing. All it lacks was a stronger finish. Much like Payback, this one could really do with a decent Blu-Ray edition (most DVD editions tend to have bad transfers and are in 4:3 rather than the widescreen intended).

Lundgren’s early promise as a rising action hero seemed scuppered. Cover Up would fail to find a wide audience outside of Europe, hitting the video shelves, where Lundgren would soon become a popular mainstay

I would just nuance or clarify that COVER-UP was first released in European (except the UK) and Asian cinemas during the Spring and Summer '91 (and sure bombed), before it last hit the video shelves in North America, indeed 6 months after THE PUNISHER US straight-to-video debacle...
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Tom on 09 Nov 2021, 12:10

I was gonna post the link. But I figured it might be up already. 8) On the ball as always J.

I'm really holding out hope this gets a decent physical release some day. Because I feel I've still yet to see it as fully intended.
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 09 Nov 2021, 14:27

It definitely would benefit from a Blu-ray release (not mentioning it's the last film of that era lacking one), and having seen the widescreen HD master (in French) it really makes the movie look gorgeous (more particularly compared to all the below-average DVD releases), the cinematography being one of its strong points, and it's very faithful from what I remember of seeing the film on the big screen back in July 1991...
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Re: COVER-UP (Manny Coto, 1990)

Postby Jox on 14 Jan 2022, 20:04

Rare TV advert for the VHS in the UK courtesy of Oliver Harper ... 8303359204
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