HARD NIGHT FALLING (Giorgio Bruno & Giorgio Serafini, 2019)

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HARD NIGHT FALLING (Giorgio Bruno & Giorgio Serafini, 2019)

Postby Jox on 23 Sep 2014, 10:10

Seems to be an action/adventure film also set during WWII.

Written by Allessandro Riccardi and James Coyne. Directed by James Coyne (A CERTAIN JUSTICE / PUNCTURE WOUNDS).

To start filming mid-November in Italy.

Produced by Vargo Films, distributed by Voltage Pictures. I believe there's a French producer involved as well.


http://frenckcinema.altervista.org/port ... ardi-dal-t

Dolph Lundgren
Scott Adkins
Gianni Capaldi
Andrea Tidona

27 aprile 1945,
durante il suo tentativo di fuga verso la Svizzera, Benito Mussolini viene fatto prigioniero dei partigiani. Gli viene confiscato un cospicuo quantitativo di oro e diamanti, che la storia ricorda come l’Oro di Dongo, scomparso misteriosamente pochi giorni dopo la cattura.

Italia, oggi. Il Salento.
All’interno del suggestivo locale “Le Quattro Colonne” un gruppo di azionisti di una multinazionale (la Quarta Torre) si riuniscono per discutere d’affari e allo stesso tempo per svagarsi. Il locale e‘ di proprieta’ del presidente della multinazionale, Antonio Stirani, il quale e‘ presente alla serata insieme a sua figlia Sara. Alla serata partecipa anche Mary, con la figlia Diana e suo marito John, appartenente alle forze speciali britanniche.
Il posto viene assaltato da Viro (Dolph Lundgren) e la sua squadra, i quali sono venuti a sapere dell’esistenza del tesoro di Mussolini, nascosto nei basamenti del locale. John, accortosi dell’assalto prima degli altri, riesce a portare fuori Diana, ma non Mary, mentre gli uomini all’interno dimostrano di non avere problemi ad uccidere.
Raggiunto dalla sua squadra di elite, composta anche da due italiani, in collaborazione con i corpi speciali dei carabinieri, John tentera’ il tutto per tutto per salvare la vita di sua moglie.

Google translation:
April 27, 1945 ,
during his attempt to escape towards Switzerland, Benito Mussolini was taken prisoner of the partisans. The confiscated a large quantity of gold and diamonds, that history remembers as the Gold of Dongo, who died mysteriously a few days after capture.

Italy, today. The Salento .
Inside our room "The Four Pillars" a group of shareholders of a corporation (the Fourth Tower) gather to discuss business and at the same time for recreation. The local 'property' of the president of the corporation, Antonio Stirani, and which 'present at the event with her daughter, Sara. The evening also participates Mary, with her daughter Diana and her husband John, belonging to the British special forces.
The place is assaulted by Viro (Dolph Lundgren) and his team, who have come to know of the existence of the treasure of Mussolini, hidden in the base of the room. John, aware of the assault before the others, manages to bring out Diana, but not Mary, while men inside prove to have no qualms about killing.
Achieved by his team of elite, composed by two Italians, in cooperation with the special forces of the police, John tries' all out to save the life of his wife.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby preacher on 23 Sep 2014, 10:24

Ok... Seems to be some sort of siege movie.
With Dolph + badguys on the inside with hostages and Adkins + team breaking in to save the day.

And it is set in present day but Dolph is after fascist gold:
Italy, today. The Salento .

The premise + Adkins as protagonist bodes well. Director + Capaldi does not.
Fresh location (if they shoot in Italy) at least.
NIce to see Dolph keeping busy and the projects show some sort of promise (still on the fence in regards to The Lake which i am afraid will turn in to just another trashy shark movie despite the premise).
Is he avoiding Nu Image/Millenium on purpose?
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 23 Sep 2014, 10:36

preacher wrote:And it is set in present day but Dolph is after fascist gold:
Italy, today. The Salento .


Is he avoiding Nu Image/Millenium on purpose?

More or less, and they're also avoiding these types of lower budgets (except for NINJA II) so I don't know if it'd change much. And the buddy movie they had planned with Jet Li / DL didn't pan out...
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 23 Sep 2014, 13:00

Dolph and Adkins again should be good. I hope Coyne decides to shoot this a little more restrained and they don't go overboard with the editing like Certain Justice. Light it natural, shoot it clean. Certainly it's at least a more interesting idea than another crime film.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 23 Sep 2014, 13:02

Capaldi is on his way to Italy in a couple of weeks apparently, so I assume he might be scouting locations with the director maybe. Unless it's a co-incidence. Who knows, they may just end up in Bulgaria.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 23 Sep 2014, 16:24

Seems they got an english synopsis with a couple updates (knife fights?)
http://theactionelite.com/2014/09/scott ... -4-towers/
Word is, Dolph is currently undergoing knife training as 4 Towers will have some epic knife fights.

SYNOPSIS: A Serbian ex war hero, Viro, (Dolph Lundgren), takes hostages at a powerful company’s dinner in an 11th century castle in a bid to capture the legendary stolen gold of Mussolini. Taking on Italy’s tactical swat teams and an Interpol unit (Scott Adkins and Gianni Capaldi), he may have captured a hostage who could prove too much to handle. Intense combat, thrilling knife fighting and explosive action follows Viro as he attempts to escape with the cursed gold and treasure.

High Five Films and Imago Films announce filming starts November in Italy for 4 Towers, starring Dolph Lundgren, Scott Adkins and Capaldi. This action film will be directed by James Coyne and looks to be released in 2015.

I also hope it's gonna have benefit a more consequent post-production period because the Serafini ones were done and released in no time (never had a Dolph flick been completed and unleashed this fast - not even the worst ones). Same for WAR PIGS, as I understand VMI Worldwide didn't let them do their cut and rushed the post on BLOOD OF REDEMPTION...
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 23 Sep 2014, 17:01

I hope also this will have a slightly lengthier shoot, and that it's more of a one off. Hard Rush and BOR were almost back to back, and Certain Justice wasn't long after that either. I hope they take a bit more care on this one rather than rushing to move onto the next project.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 23 Sep 2014, 17:32

What you're rightfully implying here is they need lengthier prep indeed, which can be almost more important than a longer shoot...
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 23 Sep 2014, 17:38

At the very least it's a far more interesting concept, and even on a low budget, much like The Defender did very well, you can use confined space well to make your action tense. I'm hoping they utilise Adkins well too.

I'm quite excited by D's next three. War Pigs seems the safer bet thanks to its director, but if they do The Lake and 4 Towers right, they can still be decent. It's more interesting at least than the same old crime thrillers or generic action films.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby dude hallenbeck on 24 Sep 2014, 10:39

This is the first Dolph movie I might actively skip in a long time. Until someone makes a fan edit that omits Capaldi completely, and cuts out all the eventual flashbacks to scenes that took place a minute ago.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby bomaz on 27 Sep 2014, 17:32

Something I didn't understant in the synopsis (english isn't my first language ;) ): Dolph is an hostage or is he the kidnapper ? That's not clear to me ^^
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby harry on 27 Sep 2014, 19:06

English isn't my first language too. But for me Dolph is this serbian Kidnapper.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 28 Sep 2014, 15:42


Interview with the Italian writer Allessandro Riccardi
http://www.ravellomagazine.com/da-manag ... a-del-sud/
(not much about 4 TOWERS)

Oh here's one!
http://frenckcinema.altervista.org/port ... e-primi-de
Frenck - Da dove nasce l'idea di questo soggetto?
Alessandro - L'idea è nata durante un viaggio in auto con Gianni Capaldi. Stavamo rientrando dal set di Janara, il precedente film che ho prodotto, dove abbiamo lavorato insieme per la prima volta. Mi parlò di questa location, le Quattro Colonne, e ci venne in mente che si poteva raccontare una bella storia di ostaggi. Poi durante i numerosi viaggi in treno che ho affrontato in questo periodo, ho buttato giù il soggetto vero e proprio, in collaborazione col mio amico Brando Currarini (co-sceneggiatore di Janara) e l'ho inviata a Gianni per fargliela leggere. Lui l'ha portata all'attenzione della Voltage... e da lì è cominciato tutto!
Frenck - Cosa si prova a far parte di un progetto così ambizioso?
Alessandro - E' bellissimo e spaventoso allo stesso tempo. Sto lavorando come un matto per fare in modo che tutto vada come deve andare, ma ovviamente sento tanta pressione addosso. Non è facile. Quello che mi aiuta è di sapere di aver messo in piedi una grande squadra, sia artistica che tecnica. Non vedo l'ora che comincino le riprese.
Frenck - Hai già avuto modo di rapportarti con Dolph e Scott? Se si raccontaci qualche piccolo aneddoto.
Alessandro - Non ho avuto ancora modo di incontrare nessuno dei due, ho parlato solo con agenti, manager e avvocati. Entrambi comunque hanno fatto sapere che amano molto la storia e la sceneggiatura e che non vedono l'ora di venire in Italia per dar vita ai personaggi.
Frenck - Come pensi che verrà accolto questo progetto?
Alessandro - Credo con molti dubbi, almeno all'inizio. Suona strano pensare ad un produttore italiano che fa un film così poco italiano, anche se sono sempre di più quelli che si aprono al mercato estero. Però sono fiducioso che questo film possa venire bene, divertire, coinvolgere ed emozionare, per cui credo che alla fine tutti i dubbi verranno sciolti e gli spettatori lo guarderanno con piacere. Ovviamente non ti nascondo che mi aspetto molte critiche. Vedremo.
Frenck - Cosa pensi del cinema indipendente italiano?
Alessandro - Innanzitutto bisogna capire cosa vuol dire davvero cinema indipendente in Italia. Noi qui non abbiamo major, se si esclude RaiCinema e, fino a poco tempo fa, Medusa. Quindi l'indipendenza la consideriamo rispetto a cosa? La mia personale opinione è che i produttori indipendenti in Italia siano quelli che mettono in piedi progetti, senza contare né sulle "major" né sui finanziamenti pubblici, ma tirando i soldi fuori direttamente dal mercato. Tornando alla tua domanda, francamente ho l'impressione che il cinema indipendente italiano sia poco orientato al mercato. Ho visto spesso film "indipendenti" che erano film d'autore, ma ne ho visti davvero pochi fatti per la voglia di intrattenere e basta, di raccontare una storia, magari con leggerezza. Meno ancora sono i film di genere, salvo quelli realizzati con microbudget, che molto spesso non hanno modo di farsi vedere. E' come se "cinema indipendente" fosse uguale a "cinema impegnato"... ma non è detto che debba essere così. Mi piacerebbe che in Italia fiorisse un bel circuito indipendente come quello americano, dove si trovano film per tutti i gusti, dal dramma d'autore all'action movie, passando per l'horror e la commedia.

Google translate:
Frenck - Where did the idea for this subject?
Alessandro - The idea was born during a car trip with Gianni Capaldi. We were returning from the set of Janara, the previous film that I produced, where we worked together for the first time. He told me about this location, the Four Pillars, and there occurred to me that you could tell a good story of hostages. Then during the many train journeys I've dealt with at this time, I threw down the real subject, in collaboration with my friend Brando Currarini (co-writer of Janara) and I sent it to John that he could read. He brought her to the attention of Voltage ... and from there it all started!

Frenck - How does it feel to be part of such an ambitious project?
Alessandro - It 's beautiful and scary at the same time. I'm working like crazy to make sure that everything goes as it should, but obviously I feel a lot of pressure on him. It is not easy. What helps me is to know that he had put together a great team, both artistic and technical. I can not wait to begin filming.
Frenck - You've already had the opportunity to relate with Dolph and Scott? If you tell us some little anecdote.
Alessandro - I have not yet had the opportunity to meet either of them, I only talked to agents, managers and lawyers. Both, however, have indicated that they love the story and the script and can not wait to come to Italy to give life to the characters.

Frenck - How do you think this project will be received?
Alessandro - I think with a lot of doubts, at least initially. It sounds strange to think of an Italian manufacturer that makes a film so little Italian, although I am increasingly of the opinion that open to the foreign market. But I am confident that this movie will be good, entertain, engage and excite, so I think that in the end all doubts will be dissolved and the spectators will watch with pleasure. Obviously I do not hide that I expect a lot of criticism. We will see.

Frenck - What do you think of Italian independent cinema?
Alexander - First you have to understand what it means to truly independent cinema in Italy. We here do not have major, if you exclude RaiCinema and, until recently, Medusa. Then we consider the independence compared to what? My personal opinion is that independent producers in Italy are the ones who put up projects, not counting on either "major" or on public funding, but pulling money out directly from the market. Back to your question, frankly, I have the impression that the independent Italian cinema is little market-oriented. I have often seen the movie "independent" who were art films, but I've had very few facts to the desire to entertain and nothing else, to tell a story, maybe lightly. Fewer still are genre films, except those made ​​with microbudget, which often have no way to be seen. And 'as if "independent film" is equal to "committed cinema" ... but it is said that it should be so. I'd like that flourished in Italy a nice independent circuit as the American one, where you can find movies to suit all tastes, from arthouse drama to action movie, through the horror and the comedy.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 29 Sep 2014, 14:41

Composer will be Sandro di Stefano who did the recent film JANARA for the same team and recorded the score with the Bulgarian National Radio Orchestra (like SILENT TRIGGER back in the day) so hopefully that will be the case here. Italians seem to be still keen on recording orchestral scores (THE INQUIRY)...

http://www.leccesette.it/dettaglio.asp? ... id_rub=237
Le riprese inizieranno il prossimo 9 novembre e termineranno a dicembre. Fulcro dell'azione saranno le Quattro Colonne di Santa Maria al Bagno.

Santa Maria al Bagno diventerà presto la location di un thriller ad alto tasso adrenalinico: inzieranno il prossimo 9 novembre le riprese di “Four Towers”, il film prodotto da Vargo Film per la regia di James Coyne che porterà in riva allo Ionio, tra gli altri, Willem Dafoe, Scott Adkins e Dolph Lundgren, il perfido Ivan Drago di “Rocky IV”. Il set spazierà dal litorale ionico neretino al centro urbano di Galatone.
Il fulcro dell’ azione saranno però le “Quattro Colonne”: nelle fondamenta dell’antica torre costiera, secondo la fantasia dello sceneggiatore Alessandro Riccardi, è nascosto il celebre “Oro di Dongo”, il tesoro confiscato dai partigiani a Benito Mussolini durante il fallito tentativo di fuga in Svizzera il 27 aprile 1945 e mai più ritrovato.
L'ex eroe di guerra serbo Viro, interpretato da Dolph Lundgreen non esiterà ad assaltare le Quattro Colonne e a prendere in ostaggio gli invitati della festa che in quel momento si sta svolgendo nel locale, tra cui Mary, la moglie di un agente delle forze speciali britanniche (interpretato da Scott Adkins) che diventerà il suo principale antagonista. Del cast fanno parte anche Gianni Capaldi, attore e produttore italo-scozzese di casa a Hollywood da alcuni anni e il siciliano Andrea Tidona.
Il film, costato in tutto un milione e 300mila euro, uscirà ufficialmente nelle sale nell’aprile del prossimo anno e sarà distribuito in tutto il mondo dalla prestigiosa Voltage Pictures LLC di Los Angeles, importante società di produzione californiana che lo scorso anno ha vinto tre Oscar con il film "Dallas Buyers Club".
La produzione è invece, tutta italiana ed è un progetto della casa di produzione Vargo Film, fondata di recente da Alessandro Riccardi, che è anche lo sceneggiatore del film, e Gianluca Varriale.

Filming will begin on November 9 and will end in December. Will be the centerpiece of the Four Pillars of Santa Maria al Bagno.

Santa Maria al Bagno will soon become the location of a high-adrenaline thriller: inzieranno on November 9 the filming of "Four Towers", the film produced by Vargo Films directed by James Coyne who will lead the shores of the Ionian Sea, among others, Willem Dafoe, Scott Adkins and Dolph Lundgren, the evil Ivan Drago of "Rocky IV". The set will range from the Ionian Sea to the urban center of Galatone Nardò.
At the heart of 'action, however, will be the "Four Pillars" in the foundations of the ancient coastal tower, according to the imagination of the writer Alessandro Riccardi, is hidden the famous "Golden Dongo "the treasure seized by the partisans in Benito Mussolini during the failed attempt to escape to Switzerland April 27, 1945 and never recovered.
Former Serbia Viro war hero, played by Dolph Lundgreen will not hesitate to attack the Four Pillars and take in hostage of a party which is taking place at that time in the room, including Mary, the wife of a British special forces agent (played by Scott Adkins) who became his main antagonist. The cast also Gianni Capaldi, actor and producer Italo-Scottish house in Hollywood for a few years and the Sicilian Andrea Tidona.
The film, which cost around one million and 300 thousand euro, will be released officially in theaters in April of next year and will be distributed worldwide by the prestigious Voltage Pictures LLC of Los Angeles, a major manufacturing company in California who last year won three Oscars for the film "Dallas Buyers Club."
Production is however, very Italian and is a project of the house Film production Vargo, recently founded by Alessandro Riccardi, who is also the screenwriter of the film, and Gianluca Variale.

Thankfully this has an original setting and location because it's seems very low budget and probably a quick shoot.
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Re: 4 TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby bomaz on 29 Sep 2014, 15:11

Well, if they plan on releasing it in april 2015, that for sure is a quick gig (and no one noticed Willem Dafoe in the translation ^^ ?). Either a mistake or a quick cameo in a flashback :P
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