WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

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WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby Moltisanti on 12 Feb 2022, 01:07

Guess Lundgren might end up in this in some capacity:


In a hot package for EFM buyers this weekend, Jean-Claude Van Damme will star in What’s My Name? Directed by Jeremy Zag, the film will be produced by Cross Creek’s Tyler Thompson, alongside Zag and Van Damme. Cross Creek is fully financing a film that will reunite the fighting icon in matches against some of his past screen rivals.

What’s fun is that for Van Damme the character to regain his mojo, he will fight a lot of the on-screen opponents that made him a star for his acrobatic high-flying style. That likely will include Universal Soldier‘s Dolph Lundgren, Kickboxer‘s Tong Po (Michel Qissi) and Double Impact‘s Bolo Yeung (who costarred alongside Bruce Lee in Enter The Dragon and still is in fine shape).

Sort of over the whole Van Damme playing himself routine. Not sure what else I need from that concept.
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby Jox on 12 Feb 2022, 13:16

This seems like his 2003 version of THE TOWER mixed together with other ideas and concepts.

Now, although the article mentions Dolph, Bolo and Michel Qissi, it doesn't seem like they're signed just yet.
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumoreda)

Postby preacher on 12 Feb 2022, 19:41

What an equally weird and unique idea.
In a parallell, perfect universe this could turn out interesting but in the actual real world this has disaster written all over it.

Van Damme has really got stuck on playing versions of himself. It seems almost therapeutic to him at this point. It serves him over the audience. That is not a good sign.
To be honest, it is self centered.
JCVD (the movie) was fun and fresh at the time but that idea was done with that film. Plus it was sort of tounge in cheek, or at least had fun with it's own premise. This seems so dour and overly serious.
Personally, I am just over it.

Not to mention the old opponents are all geriatric at this point. MA-movies is not an old mans game. Dolph himself said on Adkins podcast that he is "done with kicking", and who can blame him.
He has moved on. Van Damme seems unable to. He is stuck in his past and stuck on himself.

DL should stay away from this.

and who wants to bet that the final, hardest opponent will turn out to be Van Damme himself?
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumoreda)

Postby JuV on 12 Feb 2022, 20:06

As a Van Damme fan, I actually really like the sound of it. Van Damme has been teasing 'The Tower' on and off for the past years and this sounds like it, but then spiced up with JCVD/JCVJ which are both projects I loved. Technically this wont be his last (action) movie either since he's supposed to appear in the upcoming Kickboxer film and there's still the unreleased Eagle Path/Full Love/Frenchy. If this does take off I do hope we'll get more people than just the currently rumored ones in the article (few examples are Stallone and Lance Henriksen).
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby Jox on 14 Feb 2022, 23:21

Not sure this promo reel is supposed to be shared although it comes from JCVD's mentor Claude Goetz
https://facebook.com/story.php?story_fb ... 0032352543

No mention of Dolph, Bolo, or Michel so they're not signed like I thought.

Filming to take place in Paris in about 9 months.
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby alex.sp89 on 17 Feb 2022, 11:02

JCVD advertised in the last 12-15 years so many movies to be made and sequels and none of them haven't been realized. At one point he was going to fight Kamsung and nothing happened. Bla bla bla sort of TMZ NEWS. Now they say is going to be his last movie, later he will say it was a joke like Joaquin Phoenix did. Enough JC u destroyed UniSol franchise with this so called sequels.After Unisol 2 try they should stop. Hyams made depressive UniSols with long pauses between small action scenes. I think they all flopped and didn't make money... Black Water again Dolph was advertised as co lead and actually gone for the most of the movie.Stop making movies liker this just a way to pay your bills... :lol:
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby JuV on 17 Feb 2022, 20:12

JCVD is quite open about a lot of projects which I personally really like, but can often backfire since things don't end up happening (like the Somluck Kamsing fight which actually got some explanation in 'Behind Closed Doors'). And it seems the issues you are describing about UNISOL and Black Water have nothing to do with JC, but with the script, marketing, etc. As far as the success of UNISOL, considering the budgets of them I highly doubt anyone lost money and both 'Regeneration' and 'Day of Reckoning' have their own cult following.
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby alex.sp89 on 18 Feb 2022, 09:33

Unisol sequels do not have anything in common to work like a franchise.This is not the case of Rambo, Rocky, Terminator 1-3, Under Siege - it work fine. Unisols are stand alone movies that exploits the name of the characters and the name UniSol to sell it to video markets and platforms. In the term of entertain only Unisol 2 deliver action and I personal think it satisfy action fans. Everyone keeps telling it is so bad - it is not truth, it has it's issues but at least has good action seq. and fights.The main issue in short runtime 83 minutes PG, I thing they were forced to cut it short from original 90 minutes R rating. The last 2 Unisols are boring as hell I couldn't afford it in one night. I pushed myself 2-3 days to watch it.If u don't have budget for action seq. and try to hide with nonsense long dialogue that is cheaper to shoot do not destroy the original UniSol good budgeted movie face. Seagal also keeps saying he will do Under Siege 3. Please God never allow him to do DTV primitive Under Siege. There are movie that u should not touch unless u have good money and u are still in shape and have face to sell it. Or again reboot of SUDDEN DEATH - Parody AGAIN Original SD classic, reboot again cheap crap. Zemeckis said no Back to the Future 4, only after we are all dead and gone. Bravo for people who are not touching classics.

If this movie WHAT'S MY NAME will ever be made It is going to be only for Van Damme fans. Pseudo documentary about myself. It is like a God Syndrom - I am the God this is not my fault that i was born to be a star... Nobody needs this -it is look like u are begging for attention again about ur early lucky days
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby JuV on 18 Feb 2022, 16:04

The UNISOL films definitely work as a franchise as long as you're aware of the various timelines (same case with the Terminator franchise). UNISOL: The Return is good action wise and the stunt work is great, but the rest not so much, although it's certainly still an enjoyable film for. The last 2 UNISOL films are totally different from the rest, it's bleak, grim and a much more investing story and dialogue wise. That just doesn't seem to be for you, which of course is perfectly fine.

As for Seagal and Under Siege 3 it's confusing, at one point he mentioned showing interest in another film, but later said it was just a fake rumor... There's a reboot in the works which sounds very promising so far!

I haven't seen the new Sudden Death, but have heard awful things. There are various reasons why studios make films like that, but most often it's just because the IP is familiar with people and it's cheap to make (I think Tony Giglio did an interesting interview about Doom: Annihilation explaining this a bit more).
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby alex.sp89 on 19 Feb 2022, 17:36

Making this cheap sequels they are killing the industry and action genre in particular. After 2008-2009 low budget action genre suffered a lot. Today what is considered B movie in action and DTV look much worse than B action movies from late '80s early 90s. B movie making from late 80s revolutioned the movie history in this specific field.
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby Jox on 08 Mar 2022, 11:23

I don't know if that's a confirmation but Mohammed Quisi (Tong Po) says it's in the work and will feature Dolph, Bolo Yeung, his brother Abdel who played Attila in WRONG BET/ A.W.O.L./ LIONHEART, and himself (Tong Po)...

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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby Jox on 13 Jun 2022, 22:09

If it happens, JC says it's supposed to start early 2023 (no mention of Dolph or any other actors).
https://www.facebook.com/JCVDworld/vide ... 997495880/? (from 27 mins in)
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby Jox on 02 Nov 2022, 17:59

AFM: Jean-Claude Van Damme on His New Passion Project and Why He Won’t Be Retiring Anytime Soon
https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/movie ... 235253293/
Earlier this year, it was announced you were going to star in a film called What’s My Name?, which was being described as your final action film. Is that project moving forward? Will it be your final action film?

VAN DAMME I want to make one more big martial arts film. But I guess it’s not the time right now. Before I believed in destiny, but now I believe in synchronicity. So if something doesn’t go my way, then it’s not supposed to go my way. So What’s My Name? may happen, may not happen. And I have another project that’s as good. But that’s for later. Right now, I’m so into Darkness of Man, which was always working in parallel.
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Re: WHAT'S MY NAME? (Jeremy Zag, 2022) (rumored)

Postby alex.sp89 on 14 Nov 2022, 10:39

As I said earlier fairy tales from JCVD. Do not take him serious when he advertise future projects - none of them are in process of making later on. I think he was just struggling the last couple of years and thought it is over for him in business...
I would rather want him to re-unite with Sheldon to make one good 20-30 million budget movie - an old school action fest. Dolph could be a part of it as well. No drama, crying Van Damme as he is doing last 20 years but a macho character like in the 90's. We do not need this vulnerable lead actors, if it is not necessary...

P.S . Would Dolph , Van Damme, Seagal ever get their star on Hollywood Walk of Fame. ? I know JC is dreaming about it according doc series JCVD Behind Closed Doors
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