Terminator Salvation - Holy...

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Terminator Salvation - Holy...

Postby Mosquito on 09 Jun 2009, 00:43

...shit was this a surprise!

After reading a lot of disappointing reviews I went to the cinema with that Wolverine expectation: "Yeah well, it's ok, it's not the fantastic thing I dreamt of when I first heard about the movie. But what the heck, I have to watch it just for the sake of it."

And there I was, waiting for the disappointment, when I realised that Terminator Salvation is a fantastic movie. I don't know what all the critics had expected or what they have seen in this movie, but I was blown away. This one finally has the dark, dirty, desparate atmosphere of the first Terminator movie, which IMHO is still the best. That old 80s feeling of the world coming to an end is back, and it sure is great. There are no funny one liners, there's no comic relief (ok, there's one, but it's not delivered that way). This is serious, and it is truly good. Plus, it has really great actors. You thought after Star Trek that Anton Yelchin is a funny little guy? Well, think again. Just like Chis Pine had proven with Smokin' Aces that he can do better than "Barbie and Ken Kirk", Anton Yelchin sure can deliver more than a witty kid with a funny accent. We already know that Christian Bale is a serious guy (especially when you mess with his lighting) and now we know that there's another guy out there wo is not only good looking and in very good shape, but can also be convincing both in tough and in heartbreaking scenes. Sam Worthington is the star of this movie and I will look out for his future appearances. Just checked - he's top credited for Avatar, right before Sigourney Weaver. Two good reasons to pre-order my ticket.

So, don't trust the crititcs on Terminator Salvation. If you liked T1, you will like this one. At least. Or you will absolutely love it. Even if you might like The Transformers. Deduct the Disney factor, deduct the teen star actors, add serious business and a good direction. Voilà, T4!
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