HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby bonemeetsjaw1981 on 15 Jun 2010, 17:40

I got into Dolph later on in life. Vern(the Aintitcool guy, who wrote that Seagalogy book) had been talking about the buzz from DIRECT CONTACT, so I checked it out, and next thing you know....

My fav Dolph is MEN OF WAR. My least probably STORM CATCHER.
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby ashleyheart on 04 Aug 2010, 06:01

When did I become a fan? Really recently, as in the past several days. It's hard for me to say though when exactly my simple interest in him turned into me being... well a new fan but I certainly can tell you how it all started. It's really all due to my boyfriends love of The Punisher character. He only recently got the one with Dolph in it from our local used books and movies store. He wanted me to watch it with him but of course me not really being the biggest fan of The Punisher I reluctantly did. Funny, little did I know what I was getting myself into. I had never seen a movie with DL in it before, ever, but I recognized his name from somewhere, and I admit I though that whoever he was he was good looking. And I also ended up liking the movie more then I thought I would, and I think Dolph played a great Punisher! Being such a new fan I have not even seen Rocky 4, shocking I know, but after watching clips from the movie on YouTube I cannot wait to see the whole thing! Truthfully I'm not big on the action hero stars but something about DL just caught my eye. Maybe it's because he's Swedish. :wink:
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby dolphage on 04 Aug 2010, 11:21

Welcome aboard, ashleyheart.

I've had little luck turning gf's into dolphamaniacs, they just want to watch SATC or Dirty Dancing, what's you boyfriends secret? He must be a genius.
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby Jox on 04 Aug 2010, 11:41

It's great to hear there are and will be new fans flourishing. Ashleyheart, you came at the best time Dolph, is just having a second coming with the release next week of THE EXPENDABLES, for those like me (too young) who missed the big bang of ROCKY IV this is like living it!
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby ashleyheart on 04 Aug 2010, 18:36

Yes it's funny because when I first saw the trailer for The Expendables I was thinking sarcastically as I do , Oh...great another big shoot em up action movie, :roll: you know not all that thrilled but I was willing to go see it because once again my bf kinda wanted to see it, and I'll be honest usually we don't go to see a lot of action movies unless it's like Inception or something, you know something more then just all action. But now that I know that DL's in it I might want to see it even more then he does. It's just weird. Haha I don't know what my boyfriends secret is, some kinda mind control maybe? :idea:
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby Mosquito on 07 Aug 2010, 21:38

Ashley, it's not your boyfriend's secret, it's Dolph's secret. ;-) I used to have a crush on Sly when I was a teen and of course I went to see Rocky IV. Sly's big mistake: he cast Dolph as his opponent. As soon as I saw Dolph I forgot about Sly. Well, not totally, but suddenly there was a guy who was even sexier and more handsome. Who could resist Dolph? So there you go. It's not even a secret, it's not your fault. It's just a fact. :wink:
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby ashleyheart on 08 Aug 2010, 05:29

Yeah. But I have to give my bf some credit. After all if it wasn't for him I doubt I would have ever looked him up. And now I for one definitely can't resist him! :wink:
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby Mosquito on 09 Aug 2010, 22:10

Absolutely. Your boyfriend has a good taste in movies! Glad that he didn't choose the sissy version with that female named guy instead. :mrgreen:
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby ashleyheart on 09 Aug 2010, 23:32

Haha funny you should say that cuz he has that movie too. That one was actually the first Punisher movie I saw, but of course not my favorite or his! :wink: So you can see why I probably would have never watched the '89 Punisher unless he asked me. Boy am I glad I did! :mrgreen:
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby bomaz on 10 Aug 2010, 22:12

I suddenly realize that I didn't post here.
I don't remember exactly what was my first Dolph movie : must be "Joshua tree" or "The punisher". Must be the 2nd. I was a comic book addict as a young boy, and this adaptation caught my eye, and I remember I got my grandma buy it for me. And then, it began. "Joshua tree" was, I think, a gift for a birthday. All that must have begun when I was 8/9 y.o. And then "Cover up" in an old store, then Peacekeeper, and then .... all the rest.
For the record, my other grandma watched The Punisher with me, and thought it was violent but funny. She told me she prefered "Hokuto no ken" (yes, the anime). Nice family. :mrgreen:
(and I don't know if it has something to do with dolph or not, but I did Karate for 4 years).
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby bikerbernie on 18 Aug 2010, 17:27

I love Dolph lundren, as soon as I saw him in He man walking around in pants i knew he was an amazing actor. Although he says this was a low point in his career, i personally thought that they should have done he man 2, and 3 and possibly 4. He man is definatley my most favourite film of all time, I have now watched it about 50 times (no kidding). it is the bench mark for all films and at the time it broke boundries for visual technology and set a new standard for acting. Why this film has never been put forward for an Oscar I will never know. Politics I guess. It could have won a Oscar on the soundtrack alone. People talk about "the Matix" being an amazing film but they forget that before the matrix was the legend of castle grey skull, and the story line is just as deep and complex as the matrix if not more so. For me it should have carried on as a trilogy and then it would be even more famous than star wars and Dolph would have gone on to become one of the greats just like Tom Hanks. Any way I am off to watch HE-Man again. Biker bernie...
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby ashleyheart on 18 Aug 2010, 19:21

Hi from another newbie fan! I'm anxiously waiting for my copy of Masters of the Universe to get here. Amazon can't go fast enough for me I guess and no other place had it so I had to order from them! :roll: Anyway glad to here you think it's a good movie. I heard that they were planning on making a sequel to the movie but it fell through for some reason or other. :? Anyways cool to meet another fan! :D
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby Jox on 18 Aug 2010, 19:28

Yes Cannon wanted to make two sequels to MOTU (my all time favorite movie since it introduced me to movies and Dolph as well as bringing my childhood hero He-man to life) but the company was in bad shape financially and they couldn't pay the license to Mattel. The sequel they had planned was cheap ($4-6 million) and Dolph turned them down to reprise his role anyway. They had already built sets build for it (and a SPIDER-MAN movie they were gonna shoot back to back but couldn't get off the ground either) though and that's how the director had the idea of CYBORG (with JCVD) to use those sets.
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby IloveDL on 22 Aug 2010, 10:57

Hello :D , Just join here..

I become a fan since 1985 !
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Re: HOW and WHEN did you become a DOLPH FAN?

Postby riotgirl77 on 16 Sep 2010, 00:12

Hey all....newbie to the site here :)

Been a fan of Dolph ever since Rocky IV (I think I saw it when it was in the theater...when I was 5 lol. My brother likes the Rocky movies) and saw a couple of his movies after (Masters of the Universe, I Come in peace, Showdown in Little Tokyo, Universal Soldier). And then couldn't really keep up afterwards (well never heard of what he was doing, etc.).

Then The Expendables came out, I thought he completely stole the whole movie! So...been on the hunt to re-watch Dolph's movies I haven't seen in 20 yrs or so and check out his other movies I haven't seen.
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