RETROGRADE (Christopher Kulikowski, 2004)

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Postby Blackjack on 30 Aug 2004, 13:53

i heard, retrograde will become a theatrical release, is it true?
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Postby hansson55 on 02 Sep 2004, 00:52

Probably in some countries, but I doubt it will be in big scale :cry:
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Postby TombRaider on 19 Oct 2004, 17:35

Retrograde is going to be released on 2/11 in russia on video:

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Postby Jox on 19 Oct 2004, 18:48

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Postby Blackjack on 26 Oct 2004, 12:49

the movie retrograde will be released on november 2th in Russia... i'm gonna to watch the movie and then i'll tell u about it
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What about Retrograde?

Postby preacher on 11 Nov 2004, 15:12

It´s released in Russia by now right?
Anyone seen it? Any good?
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Postby stargazerantares on 15 Nov 2004, 08:53

I'm not sure if Retrograde is available in Russia at the moment, but I've heard a rumor that there were creative differences between the producers of the film and the director. In the end, the producers got their cut of the film out to market. However, from what I gather, the director was not happy with the results. I'm not sure how Dolph feels about the issue, but I'd like to see both versions and compare myself.
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Postby stargazerantares on 15 Nov 2004, 08:56

From what I've heard, there were creative differences between the producers and the director. The version that is being released is the producer's cut. I'd sure like to see the other version / telling of the story.
Maybe someone will put it out.
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Postby stargazerantares on 15 Nov 2004, 08:58

I doubt Retrograde will be released theatrically. From what I gather, the budget was low. I also heard there were creative differences between the director and the producers. In the end, the producers got their cut of the film out to market. Maybe one day someone will release a director's version as well.
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Postby Jox on 21 Nov 2004, 05:30

order the Russian RETROGRADE DVD here!
(the only thing is that it is not widescreen, so maybe wait for a better edition)
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I have seen Retrograde, here is my response!!

Postby Tom on 27 Nov 2004, 15:01

Hi there people. Got Retrograde this morning. The THIRD new Dolph film I have seen this year. My revuew has some spoilers so you don't have to read it if you don't want but I can tell you here it is not all that positive I'm afraid. Got to say that Defender may be here in Feb so wait for that. I got my copy from for a good price, $33 fast delivery. You should probably wait for the offical release in your respecitve countries.
Anyway, here we go:


Yes it is number three of the Dolph triple whammy I have seen this year. After the Sidney J Furie double bill of Detention and Direct Action, both straight out simplistic action films, Retrograde goes for something a little more ambitious, a science fiction, effects filled movie. In some ways the ambitious side of the project is worthy of some respect but due to the budgetary constraints, a hackneyed script and shaky direction, the ideas don’t really come off. Retrograde is not a great film, but is by no means terrible. As a Dolph fan and other Dolpha’s will know that following pap like Agent Red and Stormcatcher, we find that it is very hard to be really, downright disappointed with one of the big mans efforts, but still this is a right off. Retrograde was always one that worried me. Science fiction movies with budgets this low and done to death plots kind of have a whiff of cheese hanging over them from the stage of announcement. The film as with many Sci-Fi’s is taking itself seriously, whereas Dolph’s previous two were knowingly clichéd and had a sense of over the top, violent fun. Direct Action I really enjoyed, it had some repeat value, Retrograde has the mark of a “watch once only” kind of film. Anyone who saw director Christopher Kulikowski’s previous effort, Aurora would have felt the same. Although there were good points, there wasn’t the talent behind the camera to essentially get blood from a stone and the films shaky writing always went for cheap sentimentality, as Retrograde ends up doing. The film to sum up in one word, that accounts for large sections of it, is “Boring!”

The film feels like an extended episode of a sci-fi TV shows and that is down to the cheesy music, sets and obvious budget constraints. Not a top sci-fi show either, but one of those mid range shows like Lexx or Farscape, something along those lines that has a real cult following and never has particularly good writing like some episodes of The X Files did. The music in fact was by some guy called Ennico Morricone, rather than what most sites say, Stephen Melillo. I heard some samples of Melillos work and he was good, imaginative composer who didn’t try to recreate a full orchestra on a synthesizer. I imagine Mellilo did the theme or something because he is credited under special thanks. Morricones score is ear grating at times and amateurish. There’s little imagination in it and doesn’t stand out. It at times under-whelmed the action and in others overtook it. Christopher Kulikowski doesn’t manage functional here. He’s not even competent. He has good ideas and has an understanding of using effects well, having worked previously on many low budget effects movies as an assistant director or post production supervisor. His ability to communicate his story and also do so by exciting the audience is questionable. The effects though are a plus point because although they look utter rubbish compared to your ILM standard CGI, they are good for a movie this budget and never look awful. I have seen movies this budget that had truly diabolical looking effects, making you wonder why the film makers tried to make a film entirely impossible with their talent and resources.

The cast are bad. All the support cast with the odd exception are poor, making you wonder whether the director invited his mates round to star in a movie. There is the odd exception, David Jean Thomas, a returning cast member from Aurora, and Joe Sagal, brother of Katey “Peg Bundy” Sagal. Of course the two big names of the piece are Dolph and fellow action man Gary Daniels and they stand out. They are made to look really good, despite given nothing engaging to do. For me I felt upon hearing the first news of this team up that it would be a big movie for Daniels, stepping up from his cheapest of cheap movies to star in a Dolph Lundgren starrer. Dolph has a massive following compared to GD so it did seem a step up but truth be told this is the sort of film that Daniels should be headlining and Dolph seems out of place in a film this low down. This won’t sell much to be honest and will scrape about as much as your average Gary Daniels movie so it is basically a write off for Dolph as I said earlier. Part of the enjoyable side of the film though, and a big part is the sheer novelty value of these two teaming up, despite the fact they hardly share the screen. The longest they spend together is with Daniels inevitable death. A surprising thing was that GD was playing a good guy. A had thought up until watching that he was one of the bad guys but not so. In one sense the more obvious move would have been better, imagine the face off that could have been. Dolph versus Daniels. The film makers clearly have no idea about selling a movie. Daniels was initially going to be the lead bad guy, but Joe Montana was cast instead and he does no better than Gary would have done, although his look is more naturally “bad guy.” You have to do what you can to sell DTV movies like this and they missed the boat. Dolph is looking in peak action man condition. Ladies, he does remove his shirt and the abs and pecs and what-have-yous are firm. Another plus point is that Dolph is continuing his recent trend of using more of his martial arts. There are a lot of moves in there, some he used in Direct Action seeing as he is working with the same choreographer, Barry Evans. The action isn’t as good or frequent as Direct Action though. Besides fights, there as some shootouts which are handled with a lack of imagination that John Woo would scoff at, especially when you consider many of his epic HK films were even cheaper than this. Dolphs role gives him nothing to do though. He has to lead the movie and make up for an almost entire cast of shoddy thesps but he can’t and that accounts for much of the tedious side. The lead woman, Sylvia Di Santis is atrocious, one of DL’s worst female co-stars, although not to worry my fellow Dolphers, she’s not as bad as Kylie Bax in Stormcatcher.

The film really needed more urgency, certainly more finance. I’ve made defamatory comments about Sid Furie and how much he has lost it but he still has a competence and an ability to handle his cast that Kulikowski lacks. Had Furie helmed this, the film would have been twice as good. The finale is limp and very anti climactic and despite all the things working against a production like this, the film is still wasted potential.
They have for instance snow mobiles in the film and not one chase using them. How difficult is it to think up a chase with those things and that is a problem. There is no scale to the action at all. It all takes place in little compact pockets and little spells, with no coolness value. They really did miss out on some potentially good action moments and Daniels especially is wasted. His one fight comes at his death at the hands of Montana, the lead baddie and it’s a drab and brief fight. Not one flying spin kick or anything. Daniels should not have been cast if he wasn’t going to use his martial arts. It is his primary selling point because by no means is he a good actor. I like GD, he’s honest, he knows his limitations and he admitted he thought the fight in this was his worst ever, because essentially it wasn’t a fight, merely an elongated death scene. Aside from that he has some adequate screen time with some gun action and some running from baddies. In truth the film is dangerously short of action scenes, one less and it would nearly induce sleep. It is unfortunate because for the first time in three pictures I can’t really recommend watching it. Dolph fans only with this one really, it doesn’t’ have the considerably superior an enjoyment of Direct Action and Hidden Agenda. Having said that because of the DL and GD novelty and some imaginative effects, this still betters Dolph’s dark period with Damien Lee, Stormcatcher and Agent Red. Had it not taken itself so seriously and added in a few moronically pointless action scenes like a snow mobile chase, that although not entirely necessary would perk up proceedings. They could have had the classic introductory action scene showing super solider John Foster (Dolph) in action. This will sink quietly to be honest and Dolph fans should look forward to Defender which has far more promise and Bauer Martinez as a company have ambition. The team up of Dolph and Jerry (he has his own god dam musical) Springer is enticing and may actually be theatrically released in Europe. It’s bad, although not terrible. Still for the first time in three pictures I am let down. Though Dolph fans should be happy in the knowledge that this isn’t nearly as bad as Seagal’s Out Of Reach. *1/2
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Postby TombRaider on 27 Nov 2004, 15:16

Well i saw the movie also. I just have tosay first that i thought detention was crap and direct action was pretty average action movie nothing special, but very watchable.
Now for retrograde, i pretty enjoyed the movie, it was in some parts a bit boring but overall was pretty good b-movie. Also lundgren looked good.
Now i'm waiting for the defender.
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Postby bomaz on 30 Nov 2004, 22:39

the movie has a 8.2/10 on IMDB , with 5 votes !!!
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Postby Jox on 01 Dec 2004, 07:46

I think "Hidden Agenda" and "Detention" started around 9/10 and they're now around 4/10, but as always fans vote first and then when mainstream audience vote the note comes down
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Postby Jox on 01 Dec 2004, 20:54

The music in fact was by some guy called Ennico Morricone, rather than what most sites say, Stephen Melillo.

Do you mean great composer Ennio Morricone? Would they have replaced the original score composed for the movie, or is it just a pseudonym...
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