HARD NIGHT FALLING (Giorgio Bruno & Giorgio Serafini, 2019)

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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby whiteandblank on 25 Oct 2014, 20:00

Yeah agreed.

Have you seen Dafoe in the film to live and die in LA?
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 25 Oct 2014, 22:51

whiteandblank wrote:Yeah agreed.

Have you seen Dafoe in the film to live and die in LA?

I've still not seen that. It's been on my to watch list for ages, as it's also got William Peterson around the same time as he did Manhunter. I really liked Dafoe in Platoon, and also Last Temptation Of Christ.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby whiteandblank on 27 Oct 2014, 11:47

Well worth a watch, an excellent film.

I'm surprised William Peterson didn;t go on further and do bigger things.

I think Michael Mann rated him quite highly, he had a bit part in one of his other underrated films, Thief.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 12 Nov 2014, 18:11

Dafoe's name has been removed from IMDB. Not even sure when filming will take place now that it's postponed.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 12 Nov 2014, 18:23

I think Gianni mentioned on his FB page something had been pushed back till Feb. I assume Four Towers.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 12 Nov 2014, 18:30

"Die hard meets under seige on the italian coast set in a castle with a touch of Ronin"

No less... I wonder how you can make "Die Hard meets Under Siege" (which is DH on a boat).
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Tom on 12 Nov 2014, 19:25

Ha ha. :lol:
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 15 Nov 2014, 14:40

Shooting 18 days in February
http://www.portadimare.it/spettacolo-cu ... -la-verita

Google translation
NARDO ' - Just a slip of dates. Then even "4 Towers," whose date of commencement of the shoot was scheduled for mid-November, will see the light (headlight) in movie theaters around the world with the presence of Dolph Lundgren (the Russian Ivan Drago in Rocky 4, in photo below) and Scott Adkins.

Dolph LundgrenThis is confirmed by A. Riccardi, explaining how a problem occurring to a producer (a car accident) has slowed the project and reshuffled the cards among the stars of the spy story, and those who will stand in front of the camera, that those who are "behind the scenes" .

"Although I will have a different role and I will deal with various organizational aspects but confirm - says the director of the film Vargo which led theatrical films such as The Frozen Ground and The canyons- that will come in Salento in February to start working. They remain fixed locations Galatone and the Four columns of Santa Maria al Bagno. " Eighteen days in all twelve Galatone and six in Nardo.

A recent meeting that took place right in the sixteenth century "ruin" of the ancient Tower of the River (where there is now a beautiful hotel) between the producer Italo-Scottish-American mayor Gianni Capaldi and Livio Nisi, it appeared that the script would be completed and that the signature of the producers still had not attached at the bottom of the contract. So the delay of a few months will also serve to resolve organizational issues that will hold back not just another film project, this time, is "signed Hollywood," where he lives just Capaldi.

And here's a story to tell: the actor, in fact, was born in Scotland where he had moved from Galatone, in the sixties, the grandfather Louis Martalo who has had success and fortune in the hotel and tourism.
Thanks to its link with the homeland, Martalo decided several years ago to buy the Four Pillars.
Capaldi, therefore, decided to "play at home", back in the homeland of his family. The story of a kidnapping - said Riccardi - and the producer also confirmed that there will be crowd scenes so - and the news is expected to be hundreds of aspiring extras - will be made ​​a casting.

The story: in the charming restaurant a group of shareholders of a corporation (the "Fourth Tower") meets to discuss business. The place is assaulted by Viro (Dolph Lundgren) and his team that the existence of the treasure of Mussolini, the legendary "Dongo gold" hidden in the pillars of the towers.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 09 Jan 2015, 12:08

James Coyne's name has been removed as director from the IMDB page...
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (James Coyne, 2014-2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 16 Jan 2015, 21:46

Giorgio Serafini is taking the helm.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (Giorgio Serafini, 2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Moltisanti on 17 Jan 2015, 00:14

Oh no.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (Giorgio Serafini, 2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 17 Jan 2015, 04:39

I don't think it changes much, Coýne co-directed CERTAIN JUSTICE and it's still the same team anyway. A more inspired script would be welcomed as is the change of location and departure from the LA guettos... But safz to say there's not much to expect from this.
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (Giorgio Serafini, 2015) (in pre-production)

Postby savagesketch on 18 Jan 2015, 04:36

I thought the days of Dolph working with Serafini and his gang were in the past... This doesn't excite me one bit. Guess money talks...
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (Giorgio Serafini, 2015) (in pre-production)

Postby Jox on 19 Jan 2015, 16:55

Me too but I guess things change, and D needs to keep busy while waiting for the good stuff...
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Re: FOUR TOWERS (Giorgio Serafini, 2015) (in pre-production)

Postby bomaz on 28 Jan 2015, 19:22

On IMDb, Adkins is out of the mix too :(
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