THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018) (completed)

Postby Jox on 01 Jul 2019, 12:13

bomaz wrote:According to imdb, the japanese date has been pushed back to sept 13th (but it remains july on amazon :? )

My order was shipped today.
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018) (completed)

Postby bomaz on 01 Jul 2019, 18:46

And there's still no trailer :?
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018) (completed)

Postby Jox on 01 Jul 2019, 18:49

I couldn't even find a Japanese trailer, but if it actually gets released in September a trailer and announcement should be up soon.
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby bomaz on 06 Jul 2019, 09:35

Short (and bad) review.
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby Jox on 06 Jul 2019, 09:50

Waiting for my Japanese DVD (which I paid €35 for) to arrive in order to form my own opinion...

No matter the quality of the final product, support the release when it comes out in your area, whether it's through VOD, DVD or Blu-ray. These movies suffer the most from piracy.
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby bomaz on 09 Jul 2019, 20:03

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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby Jox on 09 Jul 2019, 23:50

So they pushed the US release to August 9, limited theaters and VOD ... -lundgren/
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby bomaz on 11 Jul 2019, 13:03

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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby Jox on 12 Jul 2019, 19:29

Apart from the cliché sniper shot, I like it, the black and white scheme giving it a bit of seriousness.
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby Dida on 22 Jul 2019, 12:29

If he dies....he dies....
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby Tom on 23 Jul 2019, 17:33

I'll have a full review on Flickering Myth fairly soon but to summise...oh boy. This was just the kind of thing fans would rather Dolph avoided. Under financed, poorly put together. Everything feels half finished, from the cinematography to the grading, to the editing. It all seems rough cut, first pass. The script is the biggest issue, because the film moves nowhere and does it slow. I can't particularly blame the writer. You write to spec, and I've had experience of this myself, but you need to make out a 90 minute film without any money to put much of interest in there and the distribs don't want intense characterisation or anything too challenging as far as the dramatic side.

Dolph is bored here and he kind of lumbers around. The shooting schedule as we know was incredibly tight. As a result there's the feeling this was probably 2-3 takes and move on, no one particularly inspired. The action is that fairly mundane default Dolph choreography. You know the type...when they've not had time to choreograph anything too elaborate or challenging (that might also require more camera angles and coverage etc). But he whips out the old tried and tested half speed knee to the chest and straight right hander/hook. Every fight looks like a filmed rehearsal.

I've no idea why this one appears to have taken some time between shooting and release (not hugely long, but not as quick as some of these kind of films can be released). Maybe it didn't inspire buyers, because despite all this post time, as I said, the visual aesthetics from production to post just don't feel finished. They probably shot a lot on a very flat default, perhaps a lot of natural light, but the grade is really dreary.

The biggest crime of the film? It's shot in Rome and it looks utterly lifeless. It's almost impossible to make Rome look dull, but they managed it.

Ultimately this'll come out. It'll probably turn a small profit, but films like this seem such a pointless excersice. Particularly in a time when people are making films as good/bad that cost 50k to make, and selling DTV's on star names isn't quite the business it used to be. Spending 1-2 million on these things seems a waste of money. You might as well up your game and approach it with a bit more creative ambition. :?
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby Nathan on 23 Jul 2019, 18:38

I'm with Tom on this one. I'd go as far as to say it is Dolph bottom 3 for me.

The main problem I have is that absolutely nothing happens in it. You come out of it wondering if you've sat there for 4 hours or for 15 minutes and for some reason can't mention one thing of note. The action and script are so unbelievably limp you have to wonder why they even bothered making it.

I can't imagine they even had a good time shooting this one as it literally is one of the most flaccid and boring things I've ever watched. Dolph looks bored out of his mind.

There are really no redeeming features for this one. The location, direction, acting, camerawork, script, action (what little there is of it) and bad guys are utterly banal and uninteresting. Pretty much the full time I was scratching my head wondering why they made this. It shows no flair, passion or like anyone was remotely interested.

I could have bet money on what they would show in the trailer and in what order and even the trailer makes it look bland. Honestly I'm not surprised the DTV market is dead.

The way I see it is; these guys had fans. The producers scrimp on budget so you get a shit film. The die-hard fans still buy the shit film but the casual audience don't. The producers scrimp a little more and just get the actor in for a couple of days so they can call them the lead. The die-hard fans get pissed off and don't bother buying anymore.

It's not that Netflix or any other platform is successful because of the release platform. It's because of the quality. Look at something like Triple Threat. It's not ground-breaking but the action is fantastic. The fights are as good as anything in John Wick.

The DTV market dying is not because of the audience, it's because of the producers' disdain for the audience. The Tracker is a new low for Dolph.
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Re: THE TRACKER (Giorgio Serafini, 2018)

Postby Tom on 23 Jul 2019, 19:52

I think I'd honestly take Dead Trigger over this. Technically it was all round worse, but I suppose zombies lends itself to a slight cheesiness that made it marginally less drab. The trouble is, with so many of these films nowadays, they only end up making something like Agent Red look more enjoyable.

I'm really hoping D can focus on more of his personal work now, the TV stuff (and potentially get something decent off the ground there), more cameos and hopefully big screen roles in AM2 and Exp 4.

I don't hold out a great deal of hope for Hard Night Fallin beyond a decent bad guy and slightly more engaging plot-line, but if it hasn't been afforded more care, we're probably in for more of the same.

One minor positive I should say regarding the Tracker though...the score in it's own right was decent (that's one element where they didn't scrimp with some live orchestra work). It would make a good listen, completely separate from the film, but saying that it doesn't often fit with what's on screen (that's in part a mix issue, and editing, but indeed the general lifelessness that the score tries in vain to rectify).
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