THE DEFENDER (Dolph Lundgren, 2004)

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Postby katanah2jbrm on 13 Feb 2004, 08:01

well hopefully she won't be the star or even is featured extensively because I hate it when people male or female steal the action away from dolph. But there are execptions like brandon lee.
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Postby Jox on 13 Feb 2004, 23:44

here's an email I got:

I am involved with the filming board in Nassau, Bahamas. We are currently a hot spot "Location" for filming movies and magazine shoots.The movie "After the Sunset" starring Pierce Brosnan, Woody Harralson & Selma Hayek just finished shooting here. Shakara played a cameo appearance-not a lead role only because she is cast to co-star in an upcoming movie with Steven Segal and therefore could not commit to an extended role. (Segal's film by the way is having production difficulties and delayed start to March or April 2004).We are in the midst of filming the movie "Into the Blue" starring Tyson of Polo Ralph Lauren fame and Jessica Abba. The "Defenders" starring & directed by Dolph Lundgren also scouted the Bahamas as a possible shoot location but decided on Romania. Shakara is a Bahamian Superstar and both the authorities and the Bahamian population follow her success very closely.We do so for all of our Bahamian Celebrities, namely Rick Fox (NBA-LAKERS) Lenny Kravitz-{Bahamian by heritage} born in New York but his mother was a born Bahamian (Roxi Roker) etc....
Hope this information helped you..
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Re: Dolph As A Director

Postby hansson55 on 14 Feb 2004, 11:35

khurram112 wrote:This is Great News.
But Dolph Should Make a good movie not like Van Damme's The Quest
Which was an ok movie,
Dolph Should Still complete It Waits First.

If you mean that Dolph should use more martial art in his movies, I agree
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"The Defender(s)" plot

Postby Jox on 14 Feb 2004, 14:14

someone sent me that:

The plot is based loosely on a bunch of secret services agents trying to protect the President (Jerry Springer-yes you read correctly-Jerry Springer plays the role of the President) from terrorists who are trying to kill him and the Secretary of state. Mysteriously, secret agents are turning up dead all over the place and no one knows who is killing them. It turns out to be one of their own (Shakara's character) who has a vendetta of some sort against her colleagues for some injustice that was done to her in the past. It is an action packed movie with lots of firepower. That is all I know for the moment. cheers! Will keep you posted as I learn more.
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Postby hansson55 on 14 Feb 2004, 18:06

It sounds a bit like a mix of Peacekeeper and Blackjack 8)
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Postby Jox on 15 Feb 2004, 00:34

and Hidden Agenda !
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Postby Jox on 15 Feb 2004, 01:42

here is a new one from a TV mag:

Dolph Lungren vrea la verdeata

Ocupat pâna acum cu filmarile la noua sa pelicula, pe care o si regizeaza, Dolph Lundgren planuieste iesiri la "iarba verde", în si pe lânga Capitala. Masivul actor de origine suedeza se afla la Bucuresti, cu scopul precis de a încerca marea regiei de film cu degetul. "The Defender" e numele peliculei de actiune cu pricina, în care, printre altii, îsi va face aparitia si vedeta americana de televiziune, Jerry Springer. În urma cu mai multi ani, emisiunea acestuia, considerata revoltatoare din cauza lucrurilor prezentate acolo, a fost difuzata de Prima TV. Springer joaca rolul presedintelui Statelor Unite.
Actorul are în prezent alte trei filme, aflate în post-productie si care ar trebui sa-si aibe lansarea anul acesta. Si nu sunt toate pelicule de actiune; una dintre ele se înscrie în categoria "horror". Dolph Lundgren a dovedit însa celor care au avut ocazia sa se bucure de compania lui ca nu este deloc un tip "horror". Ba e chiar "de treaba" si fara mofturi. În plus, stie sa si danseze, demonstrând ca înaltimea de aproape doi metri si cele peste 100 de kilograme nu îl împiedica sa se unduiasca pe muzica mai veche. Toate acestea s-au întâmplat într-unul dintre localurile bucurestene, în care actorul a petrecut o seara tare placuta. Au avut grija de asta, printre altii, si vedetele noastre Loredana Groza si Mugur Mihaescu. Grijuliu cu forma sa fizica, vedeta nu uita sa-si faca dimineata si seara, oricât de obosit ar fi, exercitiile de karate. Si, fiindca îi place aerul curat, Dolph Lundgren se gândeste la plimbari în zone "cu verdeata".


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Postby Darling on 15 Feb 2004, 02:52

Thanks Jox,that is so great!!!!!!
I like this pic,I think he did cut his hair,he is looking very good.
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Postby Jox on 15 Feb 2004, 14:21

maybe Krom can tell us what it says?
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Postby Krom on 15 Feb 2004, 19:18

Jox wrote:here is a new one from a TV mag:

Dolph Lungren vrea la verdeata

Ocupat pâna acum cu filmarile la noua sa pelicula, pe care o si regizeaza, Dolph Lundgren planuieste iesiri la "iarba verde", în si pe lânga Capitala. Masivul actor de origine suedeza se afla la Bucuresti, cu scopul precis de a încerca marea regiei de film cu degetul. "The Defender" e numele peliculei de actiune cu pricina, în care, printre altii, îsi va face aparitia si vedeta americana de televiziune, Jerry Springer. În urma cu mai multi ani, emisiunea acestuia, considerata revoltatoare din cauza lucrurilor prezentate acolo, a fost difuzata de Prima TV. Springer joaca rolul presedintelui Statelor Unite.
Actorul are în prezent alte trei filme, aflate în post-productie si care ar trebui sa-si aibe lansarea anul acesta. Si nu sunt toate pelicule de actiune; una dintre ele se înscrie în categoria "horror". Dolph Lundgren a dovedit însa celor care au avut ocazia sa se bucure de compania lui ca nu este deloc un tip "horror". Ba e chiar "de treaba" si fara mofturi. În plus, stie sa si danseze, demonstrând ca înaltimea de aproape doi metri si cele peste 100 de kilograme nu îl împiedica sa se unduiasca pe muzica mai veche. Toate acestea s-au întâmplat într-unul dintre localurile bucurestene, în care actorul a petrecut o seara tare placuta. Au avut grija de asta, printre altii, si vedetele noastre Loredana Groza si Mugur Mihaescu. Grijuliu cu forma sa fizica, vedeta nu uita sa-si faca dimineata si seara, oricât de obosit ar fi, exercitiile de karate. Si, fiindca îi place aerul curat, Dolph Lundgren se gândeste la plimbari în zone "cu verdeata".



I'll buy this tv guide tommorow and i'll translate the entire article for all of you.

here's the translation for this part:

"Very busy with the making of The Defender, Lundgren debuts as a director and he said that he need some relax momments.He currently have 3 movies in post production for this year:The defender, Retrograde and It Waits.
One of those movies it's a horro genre, but the masive actor it's far from a horror guy.
So he go to some restaurant with some romanian Vips and he really proof that he knows how to have a good time and how to dance very well on old music (Sinatra i think or old romanin popular party music)
Every morning he's practice karate.
He found that near Bucharest it's an attractiopn rexervation with Lake, Zoo and many other" - I can tell you that the name of this place it's Snagov.All the rich people lives there.
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Postby Mosquito on 15 Feb 2004, 21:50

Uhm, a spoiler warning would have been nice...
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Postby Jox on 15 Feb 2004, 23:08

just got an email from Bauer Martinez today and The Defender is still filming, not in post-production yet... don't know about It Waits, last time they told me it was on hold...
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Postby Mosquito on 17 Feb 2004, 15:52

Yes, Dolph vs. Matthias Hues again would be great! Matthias is also a fighter though I doubt that he is as good as Dolph. But maybe they look to similar. Usually the bad and the good guy in a movie look like opposites (blond vs. dark haired, Swede vs. Asian etc.) so that may be a disadvantage for Matthias. Pity!
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Postby bomaz on 17 Feb 2004, 16:09

I hope that Dolph will be a good director !!!! so , wait'n'see !!
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The Defender

Postby drago on 19 Feb 2004, 14:16

Does anyone know what the budget is.I think this film will be like hidden agenda not lots of shooting what do us think.Retrograde doesnt sound very realistic but direct action sounds great cant wait to see them but i cant even get my hands on a copy of Detention.
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