What new movie would you like to see?

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What new movie would you like to see?

Postby MikeR on 20 Apr 2009, 21:24

Warchild wrote:

What roles would us fans would like to see him in??
Maybe we should open a new thread about this topic. Anyways i would like to see Dolph play a Cowboy, Fireman, a karate instructor in a movie etc...


A *real* Viking movie - not crap like 'Pathfinder' or that terrible Gerrard Butler version of Beowulf. And no, not the Marvel 'Thor' either - I mean something either based on the old Norse sagas (if you haven't read them, you've really been missing out), or one of the better novels set in the period such as Robert Low's 'Whale Road' series. Big D, an axe and some suitably epic Scandinavian scenery? Has to be done.


Some *real* science fiction - not the usual stuff that he's done ('Retrograde' [shudder]) or what Hollywood likes serving us. Something more thought provoking (with some broken necks if you want). Ideally - an adaptation of some of Neal Asher's cyberpunk meets space opera.

So what about the rest of you?

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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Warchild on 20 Apr 2009, 22:24

I do like the idea of Dolph playing a viking, but i already seen to many movies about vikings and north america, maybe make a movie about them in a war, did they ever had a war with a rival nation or tribe. :)
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby MikeR on 20 Apr 2009, 23:30

Warchild wrote:I do like the idea of Dolph playing a viking, but i already seen to many movies about vikings and north america, maybe make a movie about them in a war, did they ever had a war with a rival nation or tribe. :)

Only with the English...
...and the Scots...
...and the Welsh...
...and the Irish...
...and - well pretty much anyone else really. ;) (Of course when there weren't any foreigners to fight, the Vikings loved a good fight with one another)

One story that's never really been filmed is the Eastward campaign of the Swedish tribes into what is now Russia - which is actually named after these people - the Rus. The Swedes used to trade furs. amber and blades all the way past what is now St. Petersberg, then down the Dniepr through Ukraine into the Black Sea and as far as Constantinople (modern Istanbul) - which they called Miklagard (The Great City) - a pretty good name for a city of a million people when they came from fishing villages of a few hundred. Vikings were the preferred bodyguards of the Byzantine Empire and were called the Varangian Guard. So believe it or not, there are historical cases of Vikings fighting in the Middle East, Greece and North Africa.

I dunno about you, but Vikings in the desert is something I wouldn't mind seeing on the big screen!

The only part of this bit of history that I know's ever been filmed is 'The Thirteenth Warrior' - a not very good film adaptation of Michael Crichton's book 'Eaters of the Dead', which is based in part on a genuine Arabic document about the meeting of a diplomat from the Caliphate with a group of Swedes somewhere on the Dniepr.


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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Jox on 21 Apr 2009, 01:39

Viking movie for sure and I know which one he could do, I'm sure he does too, I think what might be holding him is that it's a period piece requires a descent budget (doubt you can make it for less than $10 million) an prep (production design, steel weapons and costumes to make).

Interesting stuff MikeR!

A good sci-fi is hard to find but it could be so great although again space opera/cyperpunk light be overly ambitious for now... but something more minimalist and realistic dealing with a strong concept like GATTACA or the upcoming SPLICE (from Vincenzo Natali, the director of CUBE) could turn a real gem if well written and made properly. I'd also like to see something along the lines of what Bruce Willis did in SIXTH SENSE and UNBREAKABLE, I think Dolph would have been perfect in those roles without having to necessarily kick some ass...

And for the fun I was thinking about a savage survival flick, maybe kind of a BATTLE ROYALE made to fit Dolph...
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Mosquito on 21 Apr 2009, 21:40

Jox wrote:And for the fun I was thinking about a savage survival flick, maybe kind of a BATTLE ROYALE made to fit Dolph...

Haven't seen BR but have read about it. Yeah, that would be a great vehicle for Dolph...

Honestly the viking stuff might be a bit too obvious. But hey, they should have cast him in Outlander and we would have seen him as a viking in a sci-fi - all wishes fullfilled. ;-)
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby MikeR on 21 Apr 2009, 21:53

Jox wrote:Viking movie for sure and I know which one he could do, I'm sure he does too, I think what might be holding him is that it's a period piece requires a descent budget (doubt you can make it for less than $10 million) an prep (production design, steel weapons and costumes to make).

That's a good point - in which case - how about a TV series? The BBC has invested pretty heavily in 'Merlin' and 'Robin Hood' (both of which suck, but look great. I think us grown ups (physically grown up, if not so much mentally ;) ) deserve a little prime time slayage.

Jox wrote:A good sci-fi is hard to find but it could be so great although again space opera/cyperpunk light be overly ambitious for now... but something more minimalist and realistic dealing with a strong concept like GATTACA or the upcoming SPLICE (from Vincenzo Natali, the director of CUBE) could turn a real gem if well written and made properly. I'd also like to see something along the lines of what Bruce Willis did in SIXTH SENSE and UNBREAKABLE, I think Dolph would have been perfect in those roles without having to necessarily kick some ass...

Good points again, though SF can be done on a relatively small budget - 'Children of Men' would have been brilliant with Big D in the lead role played by Clive Owen. Come on, surely you've all seen it??? And okay 'Sunshine' had a sucky ending, but it was proper SF right up until the last reel and it came in well under $40 million even with some of the most awesome visuals I've ever seen on the big screen.

Perhaps we have to persuade Big D to work in Britain for a while?

Jox wrote:And for the fun I was thinking about a savage survival flick, maybe kind of a BATTLE ROYALE made to fit Dolph...

I could watch that! Just so long as it wasn't a remake. Actually one thing that's never really been done is a film of the original 'Tarzan' books - he really is a savage and nothing like the Johnny Weissmullar version we all think of when someone mentions Tarzan. Done properly that'd be a straight R feature.

If I could rewind time one movie I wish he could have done is 'Le Pacte de Loups' - there really aren't enough kickboxing period werewolf movies in the cinemas these days. I really hope everyone on this board has watched this gem - if not, rush out and get it. In the UK and US it was titled 'Brotherhood of the Wolf' and stars Samuel Le Bihan, Mark Dacascos and Vincent Cassel. Yes it's subtitled in French, but it is a thing of absolute beauty. Oh and it's based (very loosely) on a true story about a man-eating monster in 18th Century France. And if that's not enough, Monica Bellucci is naked.

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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby dolphage on 21 Apr 2009, 22:28

MikeR wrote: Oh and it's based (very loosely) on a true story about a man-eating monster in 18th Century France.

Must be quite loosely indeed as, last I checked, there are no such thing as monsters. :wink:
MikeR wrote: And if that's not enough, Monica Bellucci is naked.



But as far as DL´s future movie career goes I just want to see him play a BADASS! I want him to bring the dolphage (not me) to new heights. More brutal fights.

And I want him to play antiheroes, so he can combine his badguy and goodguy personas. And I mean a REAL antihero. With very few redeeming qualities. That´s badass. Like Vin Diesel in Pitch Black.

I totally get, what some of you guys are saying as far as beibg part of, perhaps, some "smarter" flicks aswell and I´m sure that Dolph is into that himself. But for me, I just want him to be THE BADDEST DUDE IN ACTION!
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Jox on 22 Apr 2009, 01:04

Mosquito wrote:Honestly the viking stuff might be a bit too obvious.

Come on if Dolph doesn't do a viking who will? Caviezel? Come on! He has too. And because it would be too ambitious to do a proper historical viking movie, it could actually be a very simple story in a remote place and yet be filled with action and bloody fights (THE INQUIRY was very disappointing in that sense, poorly staged sword and axe fights that didn't seem to really hurt anybody except for D at the end)...
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby MikeR on 22 Apr 2009, 02:06

dolphage wrote:
MikeR wrote: Oh and it's based (very loosely) on a true story about a man-eating monster in 18th Century France.

Must be quite loosely indeed as, last I checked, there are no such thing as monsters. :wink:

May I introduce you to the Beast of Gévaudan?


And let's face it, we really don't want to believe it was just a wolf.

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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby dolphage on 22 Apr 2009, 10:17

MikeR wrote:May I introduce you to the Beast of Gévaudan?



Not, strictly a monster, I would dare suggest. Perhaps more of a wolf, wolf/dog crossbreed. Dolph ought to travel back through time and bring it back, so we could study it (there´s a movie for you).

If you want to see a REAL monster, may I introduce YOU to my ex-girlfriend?
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Jox on 22 Apr 2009, 19:18

dolphage wrote:If you want to see a REAL monster, may I introduce YOU to my ex-girlfriend?

Good one D-age :mrgreen:
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Luigi on 22 Apr 2009, 23:26

Ha! Tell me about ex-girlfriends!
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Warchild on 23 Apr 2009, 00:35

What about a bounty hunter :) , when was the last time they made an awesome movie about a bounty hunter :) , it could be a Viking bounty hunter, a cowboy bounty hunter, or a futuristic bounty hunter :D
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Tom on 24 Apr 2009, 19:16

I'd like to see Dolph in a Judd Apatow comedy, as himself. In a scenario where someone has to team up with Dolph Lundgren, for whatever reason. I could seriously see Will Ferrell and Dolph on screen together, or maybe Paul Rudd. But as with most of the Apatow flicks, there needs to be a littering of his troupe, with Seth Rogan, Bill Hader, Jonah Hill, etc, making cameos.

As others have mentioned, a Viking flick would seem a given.
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Re: What new movie would you like to see?

Postby Jox on 24 Apr 2009, 19:21

Tom wrote:I'd like to see Dolph in a Judd Apatow comedy, as himself. In a scenario where someone has to team up with Dolph Lundgren, for whatever reason. I could seriously see Will Ferrell and Dolph on screen together, or maybe Paul Rudd. But as with most of the Apatow flicks, there needs to be a littering of his troupe, with Seth Rogan, Bill Hader, Jonah Hill, etc, making cameos.

Haha YES! :mrgreen:
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