TUMBLING DICE (Dolph Lundgren, 2006-2007) (unproduced)

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TUMBLING DICE (Dolph Lundgren, 2006-2007) (unproduced)

Postby Tom on 18 Sep 2006, 19:47

I emailed Florentine asking about his next project supposedly with Wesley Snipes, Snakeskin. I also asked whether he'd like to work with Dolph again, or JC Van Damme, suggesting that Tumbling Dice would be a story that would suit Florentine's direction well. His reply was very positive, so who knows it could be something that'll happen in the future.

Florentine wrote:

Thanks for your email. Snakeskin is not a done deal yet... Both Jean Claude and Dolph are good friends. I'll be happy to work with them. I also briefly know the people in Moonstone. I should take a look at what you're telling me
Thanks for looking out for me

Jox, if you're still in contact with Leopald St Pierre, you should get him to pass that on to the guys at Moonstone. Maybe they can work out a deal with Florentine. It would be good, especially after what Isaac did with Undisputed 2, which really had some great action. I'm sure if Dolph and Isaac work together again with a bit more luck than BOD they could really deliver something great.
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Postby Jox on 18 Sep 2006, 21:30

St Pierre told me he wouldn't be reachable for a couple of weeks, but when I talk to him I'll mention this to him, its a good idea!

Actually, I haven't seen the original and I'm not quite fond of the images I've seen, but I just a got myself a copy of "Undisputed 2" after all the good praise I heard about it, so I'll check it out in the next couple of days!
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Postby Jox on 19 Sep 2006, 16:03

Well I just saw "U2" last night and even though it's a high quality product compared to most DTV movies, I must say I was a bit disappointed. The problem is I didn't feel involved in the film, the story didn't build up for me (thought "In Hell" was way superior), and even for the well choreographed fights I didn't feel the cheer that I have watching, let's say "Rocky IV". The last fight left me really frustrated by it's short length... I hope I don't ruin it though because I'm sure most people here will enjoy it very much...
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Postby Jox on 19 Sep 2006, 18:04

Back to "Tumbling Dice", I'm wondering if they won't shoot it back to back with "Diamond Dogs", like I think they did with Dacascos' "Hunt for Eagle One"...
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Postby Jox on 27 Nov 2006, 12:09

Actually Dolph will direct "Tumbling Dice"!
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Postby Tom on 27 Nov 2006, 14:15

Holy crap this is getting better and better! I can't wait. From the crews and locations involved and the plotlines, these two Xander Ronson movies could be Dolph's best films.
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Postby Jox on 27 Dec 2006, 12:25

here's a synopsis for "Tumbling Dice" but it might be an early version (I'll ask Leo St Pierre) because there is no mention of Xander Ronson or any sort of powerful artefact ...


Tumbling Dice
Dolph Lundgren
Year: 2007

Darhan, Northern Mongolia. A harsh, remote land, the last stop, truly in the middle of nowhere. Pristine. Untouched. Untamed. It’s mid-winter – deadly dzud season, when, as the old saying goes, for half a year Hell truly does freeze over. Swirling, blinding flash snow and razorblade-sharp ice storms sweep across the barren land, uncompromising, unforgiving, unstoppable. Life and death – all in the blinking of an eye, in the roll of a pair of loaded dice.

Our base of operations is a tiny, ramshackle bush pilot ‘airline’ in the middle of all this harsh nothingness. Three pilots, -- two Asian, one Western -- two patched-together old cheapshit planes, four bottles of scotch, more than enough lone-wolf bitterness, eccentricity and disillusionment to go ‘round. Welcome to Dragon Air. The trio are partners, friends – though at a glance they have little in common:

Danny “Ex” Chow (49, so nicknamed because he’s an ex-big city airline pilot, ex-husband, ex-teacher, ex-gun runner, even briefly ex-monk at the Zuu Monastary). A fearless crack pilot, grizzly gambler and drinker, more knowledgeable than a dozen encyclopaedias about just about every offbeat subject under the sun, and (despite his A-Z of vices and character flaws) a man without an enemy in the world.

Tai Ko, 53, the only native of the area, and he knows every square inch of it, every rule and how to bend it, every official, crooked or otherwise. Only, truth be told, there aren’t a lot of ‘otherwise’. He’s a crack mechanic who can somehow miraculously keep the ramshackle planes airborne, often with little more than spit and ingenuity. Neat and meticulous, a fastidious record-keeper, and the only one who seems to at least try and collect unpaid bills, and keep their little business afloat.

Brandon Blake, -- 38, a ruggedly handsome ex-pat American,. A former air force pilot who loved flying but was less fond of taking orders and following the rules . A soldier of fortune who’d initially drifted here and there for a few years after serving his rocky time in the service in two war zones, always trying to find a good fit – yet in the end only finding that petty laws and him didn’t seem destined to get along. He found his true calling out here in the middle of nowhere, just the planes, nature, a handful of friends and his own sleeping demons -- and over the past 7 years has grown to understand and respect the local customs, language and ways so well he’s now more at home here than he ever was back in the States.

That’s the setting. A harsh, middle-of-nowhere exotic world.Dangerous, but unpredictable and exciting. A trio of rugged individualists. A just-scraping-by airline ferrying supplies here and there, rescuing stranded hunters, saving lives in medical emergencies, doing whatever has to be done to make a buck.

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Postby Jox on 29 Dec 2006, 00:30

OK sorry guys but this is NOT the "Tumbling Dice" storyline... but it was!

Writer Leopold St Pierre says:
TUMBLING DICE synopsis is all wrong. It is, in fact, a translation of one of the pitch documents I'd originally written for "Tumbling Dice" -- as a bush-pilot airline operation Dolph was running.

Though Dolph & Moonstone (distributors) had originally wanted a bush pilot story -- they wound up throwing out the idea & had me do a 100% rewrite, now setting a totally different story in Shanghai & making it about Ghengis Khan (I always misspell his name) & a pair of long lost 'mystical' spears. Dolph must figure out a series of clues & deafeat escalating challenges to prove worthy of them -- all the while, of course, competing against some bad dudes greedily out for the same....
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Postby Jox on 29 Jul 2007, 19:42

Even the screenwriter doesn't know if it will be made. This sequel has a lot of potential and could be great with the proper budget and director. It is a largely compromised project now but there's a chance only if Dolph directs it.
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Postby Jox on 17 Nov 2008, 11:49

Most certainly.
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Postby Tom on 17 Nov 2008, 16:43

Shame this won't happen. I'd love Dolph to revisit this, perhaps when he's built enough clout from his next few films, to ensure it'll get a good enough budget and cast to make it work. The ideas in it have a lot of promise, but only if they're delivered. Diamond Dogs removed so much of real promise.
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Postby Nathan on 17 Nov 2008, 20:00

I seriously thought Diamond Dogs was gonna be better than it was, it wasn't bad considering the problems on set but I was certainly hyped for a whole new Dolph franchise. The budget on DD was seriously shitty, he should take Tumbling Dice to Nu Image, but I hope to see the Brazilian bare-knuckle fighting drama after Icarus...roll on 2010!!! :lol:
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Postby Jox on 17 Nov 2008, 20:27

Dolph was the first one to think it would be better and the script certainly was. But those scripts were developed for Dolph with Shimon Dotan and Moonstone. It's different than with MM, CP or Icarus because Dolph developed these on his own before shopping them around for producers & distributors.

I think the Brazilian fighting movie is not priority on the list yet and not fully developed yet...

The next one after "Icarus" should be this action packed project that Dolph mentioned in this interview at AFI (http://www.vimeo.com/863364) and sounds like a chase movie, another kind of modern western also written by Frank Valdez (MM).
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Postby Tom on 17 Nov 2008, 20:46

Jox wrote:The next one after "Icarus" should be this action packed project that Dolph mentioned in this interview at AFI (http://www.vimeo.com/863364) and sounds like a chase movie, another kind of modern western also written by Frank Valdez (MM).

I'd love to see Dolph do something like Desperado. Maybe even with Los Lobos doing soundtrack duties. It'd be seriously cool.
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Postby Nathan on 17 Nov 2008, 22:37

That was funny, they seemed to be having a good laugh. I think this project sounds quite interesting, Dolph always comes up with cool titles for his movies so I would expect something quite creative for this.

So it goes...

Direct Contact, Command Performance, Unisol 3, Icarus, Untitled Western, Untitled Brazilian Project.

I think that would be a really good roll. :o
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