RETROGRADE (Christopher Kulikowski, 2004)

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Postby Nathan on 15 May 2008, 21:40

Okay, so I've watched Retrograde...and...

It wasn't too bad. The special effects weren't as bad as I expected but it was clearly rushed, low budget and some direction was awful. They seemed to have crammed all the action into the trailer and some of the actors were quite cheesy. Dolph seemed to be in a bad mood, looked rather bored and his character was annoying because he had an objective and wanted to fulfil it - no time for emotion or caring about dying people, oh no, we must blow up the worst CGI snow on the planet.
It was a good concept, slightly boring, Dolph didn't feature much but overall it was watchable and had some interesting scenes. A little more time, Dolph directing and editing and a few more hundred thousand dollars and it would have been a hit...although that is a hell of a lot to ask.
However the film wasn't all bad, there were some cool guns, Gary Daniels was likable and they weren't scared to kill of main characters..or was that why these characters were introduced? To kill off?
Still, I've seen it, I don't regret it, it was different and interesting and I respect people for that. Some of the sets were pretty good near the start and I think if you honestly look closely the budget was pretty well used. Just not for the sinking cartoon ship at the end. :wink:
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Postby Jox on 15 May 2008, 22:02

it was different and interesting and I respect people for that.
yeah the initial story and concept was more original than a lot of late-nineties, early 2000 flicks, and Dolph hasn't done too much sci-fi...

Some of the sets were pretty good near the start and I think if you honestly look closely the budget was pretty well used.

The director might think differently, they didn't even pay for enough film per day to shoot the necessary and decent amount of coverage! This another one of those nightmarish productions with a bad crew, too many cooks were in the kitchen, and 12 producers all trying to get it their own way, not caring for the end result but still sabotaging the project etc etc... Now they (Franchise Picture and Carousel) are all bankrupt haha...
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Postby Nathan on 16 May 2008, 13:04

I didn't know this, Jox, its a shame that this seems to occur very often on low-budget films. The producers aren't artists or film-makers or anything, its the money they care about, they may as well be pimps.
I hope Dolph doesn't work with anyone like that again, sticks to Nu Image who give him a decent 5 or 6 million dollar budget and directs the films himself - he has enough experience and each film he has directed is very different from the last in terms of style but still has the original Dolph flavour.
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Postby Jox on 16 May 2008, 13:47

It's not only on low-budgets, and the reality is more complex than being a money thing (thought true). It's the movie business you know (which is btw a small industry and maybe still cleaner than a lot of the bigger ones we don;t think of, but movies are in the spotlight), there's a lot of ego involved too, and they say making movies is 70% politics... it always has been like that, you can read tons of stories about big Hollywood movies, even back in the day...

But unfortunately, a LOT of Dolph movies have been victims of this kind of stuff... And Nu Image is getting more decent and have a bit more money now but they haven't been all saints either.
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Postby Travis on 20 May 2008, 20:33

Retrograde is another movie that I seem to disagree with most people on. I thought it was decent.
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Postby Craigie-Boy on 20 Jun 2008, 04:32

I still haven't seen this movie myself. I saw it in a DVD store when I went on holiday to Tenerife last December, but didn't get the chance to rent it out and watch it...
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Postby Jox on 16 Oct 2008, 16:23

February 24, 2009 by First Look Studios

pre-order ... f=dp_rti_0

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Postby Tom on 16 Oct 2008, 17:00

I hope this one slips by un-noticed.
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Postby TombRaider on 16 Oct 2008, 19:03

5 years after release...
Probably a record!
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Postby Nathan on 16 Oct 2008, 20:26

It's a nice cover..little bit boring movie but not too bad. It had potential.
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Postby Mosquito on 16 Oct 2008, 21:17

Too bad it was crappy. He looks stunning! Great cover.

I remember those icebergs... they looked like the original styrofoam scenery from ST TOS ;-)
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Postby Warchild on 17 Oct 2008, 03:03

are u saying this movie hasn't been released in north amrica yet and it will be in 2009?

Let me know when I come in Peace or Pentathlon ever gets relkeasd in north america
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Postby Moltisanti on 17 Oct 2008, 04:59

Oh no.
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Postby manudenis2005 on 17 Oct 2008, 09:36

Warchild wrote:are u saying this movie hasn't been released in north amrica yet and it will be in 2009?

Let me know when I come in Peace or Pentathlon ever gets relkeasd in north america

Yeah too bad those movies aren't realeased in your country instead Retrograde.BTW it isn't that bad like Agent Red and Last Patrol .
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Postby The_Canadian on 03 Nov 2008, 08:59

Does anyone know if this is going to be the producer's or the director's cut?
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